Threee faces godess ? I am from Poland,and it is VERY interesting because despite we don't know much about ancient slavs religion (it was wiped out !) we know that there was ancient deity with THREE heads, later changed into deity having four heads.
Unlike Viking mythology,Celtic one and so on majority of Slavic mythology key parts were almost completely erased. Of course there are claims that something could be "reconstructed",but what was forgotten would be real astonishing thing.There is also very possible connection between proto-slavic people and ancient iranians and brahmins (rulling caste).
I don't think it is about only Slavs,but in fact about all Indoeuropeans roots and beliefs. It is just the example,things could be just part of ever bigger picture.
Slavic haglogroup of DNA R1a1 (father chromosome) is dated to 15k years b.c. alone, so it were not so popular probably 10k years b.c. ...
If there was "atlantis" advanced civilization being civilization of white people it would perfectly make sense.
Threee faces godess ? I am from Poland,and it is VERY interesting because despite we don't know much about ancient slavs religion (it was wiped out !) we know that there was ancient deity with THREE heads, later changed into deity having four heads.
Unlike Viking mythology,Celtic one and so on majority of Slavic mythology key parts were almost completely erased. There is also posible connection between proto-slavic people and ancient iranians and brahmins (rulling caste).
I don't think it is about only Slavs,but in fact about all Indoeuropeans roots and beliefs. It appears indo-europeans were just conquerors who created or taken control over many ancient civilizations (it is said that there are similarities between sanscrit and slavic languages - in fact slavic languages would have more in common with sanscrit than with western languages !)
... Or even it is something else bigger. Slavic haglogroup of DNA R1a1 (father chromosome) is dated 15k years b.c. alone,and culture and traditions would originate much,much earlier.
If there was "atlantis" advanced civilization being civilization of white people it would perfectly make sense.
Threee faces godess ? I am from Poland,and it is VERY interesting because despite we don't know much about ancient slavs religion (it was wiped out !) we know that there was ancient deity with THREE heads, later changed into deity having four heads.
Unlike Viking mythology,Celtic one and so on majority of Slavic mythology key parts were almost completely erased. There is also posible connection between proto-slavic people and ancient iranians and brahmins (rulling caste).
I don't think it is about only Slavs,but in fact about all Indoeuropeans roots and beliefs. It appears indo-europeans were just conquerors who created or taken control over many ancient civilizations (it is said that there are similarities between sanscrit and slavic languages - in fact slavic languages would have more in common with sanscrit than with western languages !)
... Or even it is something else. Slavic haglogroup of DNA R1a1 (father chromosome) is dated 15k years b.c. so 10k b.c it was probably quite new and not so popular mutation and it wouldn't matter so much like religion and myths being usually part of cultural legacy...
Threee faces godess ? I am from Poland,and it is VERY interesting because despite we don't know much about ancient slavs religion (it was wiped out !) we know that there was ancient deity with THREE heads, later changed into deity having four heads.