No that award goes to yourself.
The UK has as population of under 3 percent black people. Yet in a football team of 11 players and countless support. It has more than equality and equal opportunity of 1 black person on the team according to the demographic. Racism pure and simple. It is not opportunity for white people. It is black privilege. They are the worst players on the planet at football by all comparisons of the African league. They only perform on white teams. Why is that. Black privilege.
Next in the Uk every other advert shows a black person. They are less than 3 percent of the population they should according to equal opportunity be seen at 3 percent of the time. The same with every TV program they all have black people on. There is no equal opportunity. White people are being excluded by a higher margin. Now we listen to the radio, many, a huge percentage of music is being sung by black people.
So tell me why they have the highest paying jobs outside of equal opportunity. Black privilege. They are clearly racists. It is not opportunity for white people.
No that award goes to yourself.
The UK has as population of under 3 percent black people. Yet in a football team of 11 players and countless support. It has more than equality and equal opportunity of 1 black person on the team according to the demographic. Racism pure and simple. It is not opportunity for white people. It is black privilege. They are the worst players on the planet at football by all comparisons of the African league. They only perform on white teams.Why is that. Black privilege.
Next in the Uk every other advert shows a black person. They are less than 3 percent of the population they should according to equal opportunity be seen at 3 percent of the time. The same with every TV program they all have black people on. There is no equal opportunity. White people are being excluded by a higher margin. Now we listen to the radio, many, a huge percentage of music is being sung by black people.
So tell me why they have the highest paying jobs outside of equal opportunity. Black privilege. They are clearly racists. It is not opportunity for white people.
No that award goes to yourself.
The UK has as population of under 3 percent black people. Yet in a football team of 11 players and countless support. It has more than equality and equal opportunity of 1 black person on the team according to the demographic. Racism pure and simple. It is not opportunity for white people. It is black privilege. They are the worst players on the planet at football by all comparisons of the African league. They only perform on white teams.Why is that. Black privilege.
Next in the Uk every other advert shows a black person. They are less than 3 percent of the population they should according to equal opportunity be seen at 3 percent of the time. The same with every TV program they all have black people on. There is no equal opportunity. White people are being excluded by a higher margin. Now we listen to the radio many, a huge percentage of music is being sung by black people.
So tell why they have the highest paying jobs outside of equal opportunity. Black privilege. They are clearly racists.