Gullible people fall foul to dystopia. Global warming is simply about control. Every new system proposed exploits higher taxation and increases demand. Any of the solutions offered are a fraud and don't stop warming they actually increase consumption in doing so debatably cause more emissions.
Warming increased in lockdown. Energy usage peaked in lockdown. Transport hardly lessened. Haulage increased. Despite less flights. To show the bullshit narrative is bullshit.
Fast forward to when they suggest EVs. They have massively increased non recyclable eco waste. It is far more toxic than any other waste. It doesn't recycle. Turbine blades, solar panels, plastics, electronics, batteries. These cost so many more resources to use emitting far more to produce. The con they don't emit on use is a big lie. Any products break daily having no lifetime. But they demand peak energy and far more products to use.
What is the narrative about, it is about complete dystopia. Look at how much control they have had since Google. Let us multiply that so you don't own an EV car spying on you, and a digital house spying on you. Everything is hooked into Alexa, controlling what you do. Musk putting brain mircochips into your head. Not a future.
A future with far greater divides. Eco products aren't cheap. EVs, and digital houses. Look at the latest phone, comp, car, xbox, and house. How many more services you need to run a product. Without robots. A future where elites gain and robot slaves do everything. But ordinary humans starve. Look at the inflation today there is almost no middle class. Only extremes. Far worse in the future socialist society imagined where they have population controlled everybody else into apathy where a computer inserted gains full control.
Gullible people fall foul to dystopia. Global warming is simply about control. Every new system proposed exploits higher taxation and increases demand.
Any of the solutions offered are a fraud and don't stop warming they actually increase consumption in doing so debatably cause more emissions.
Warming increased in lockdown. Energy usage peaked in lockdown. Transport hardly lessened. Haulage increased. Despite less flights. To show the bullshit narrative is bullshit.
Fast forward to when they suggest EVs. The have msssively increased non recyclable eco waste. It is far more toxic than any other waste. It doesn't recycle. Turbine blades, solar panels, plastics, electronics, batteries. These cost so many more resources to use emitting far more to produce. The con they don't emit on use is a big lie. Any products break daily having no lifetime. But they demand peak energy and far more products to use.
What is the narrative about, it is about complete dystopia. Look at how much control they have had since Google. Let us multiply that so you don't own a EV car spying on you, and a house spying on you. Everything is hooked into Alexa, controlling what you do. Not a future. Musk putting brain mircochips into your head.
A future with far greater divides. Eco products aren't cheap. EVs, and digital houses. Look at the latest phone comp car xbox. Without robots. A future where elites gain and robot slaves do everything. But ordinary humans starve. Look at the inflation today there is almost no middle class. Only extremes. Far worse in the future socialist society imagined where they have population controlled everybody else into apathy where a computer inserted gains full control.
Gullible people fall foul to dystopia. Global warming is simply about control. All the system proposed exploit higher taxation and increase demand.
Any of the solutions offered are a fraud and don't stop warming they actually increase consumption in doing so debatably cause more emissions.
Warming increased in lockdown. Energy usage peaked in lockdown. Transport hardly lessened. Haulage increased. Despite less flights. To show the bullshit narrative is bullshit.
Fast forward to when they suggest EVs. The have msssively increased non recyclable eco waste. It is far more toxic than any other waste. It doesn't recycle. Turbine blades, solar panels, plastics, electronics, batteries. These cost so many more resources to use emitting far more to produce. The con they don't emit on use is a big lie. Any products break daily having no lifetime. But they demand peak energy and far more products to use.
What is the narrative about complete dystopia. Look at how much control they have had since Google. Let us multiply that so you don't own a EV car spying on you, and a house spying on you. Everything is hooked into Alexa. Controlling what you do. Not a future. Musk put brain mircochips into your head.
A future with far greater divides. Eco products aren't cheap. EVs digital houses. Look at the latest phone comp car xbox. Without robots. A future where elites gain and robot slaves do everything. But ordinary humans starve. Look at the inflation today there is almost no middle class.