This is original. This is what you get on successful (or not so successful, look at that lines, signal was noisy) reception of satellite LRPT transmission. They don't put DSLR on ordinary weather stellites, so don't expect 24bit 12mpx images received on backyard antenna made from copper pipes and cheap DVB-T dongle
This is original. This is what you get on successful (or not so successful, look at that lines, signal was noisy) reception of satellite transmission.
They don't put DSLR on ordinary weather stellites, so don't expect 24bit 12mpx images received on backyard antenna made from copper pipes and cheap DVB-T dongle
This is original. This is what you get on successful (or not so successful, look at that lines, signal was noisy) reception of satellite transmission.
They don't put DSLR on ordinary weather stellites, so don't expect 24bit 12mpx images received on backyard antenna made from copper pipes and cheap DVB-T dongle
This is original. This is what you get on successful (or not so successful, look at that lines, signal was noisy) of satellite transmission.