Does Osama Bin Laden speak for all Muslims?
No, however thanks to Osama all muslim got treated like potential terrorist and it is fine, because he was one of leaders of fanatic nest of fanatic muslim vipers not only one terrorist. Probably not all jews are bad,but as long as they don't condemn and not fight jewish supremacists and jews supporting communism they shall as suspected of being ones of those like muslims are suspected of planning of terrorist attack or supporting it.Better safe than sorry.
I’m not talking about the thoughts or actions of a few disturbed individuals, I’m talking about ideology written into the holy books.
As I said - if there wouldn't be such ideas in jewish holy books why the hell those rabbi would say such things ?
And about Talmud - huh,find one legitimate,that's the problem. There is Bible in internet - translated to all languages. Quran and it's comments in internet too - translations too. But when it comes to jewish Talmud - only parts are available translated in quite obfuscated versions and try to find one legitimate version... And as fair as I know probably teaching non-jews what is in Talmud might be somehow prohibited by jewish community and that's the reason. Why they hide it?
As fair as I know however:
One thing looks quite sure: Talmud is all about different rabbi's comments,so if at least some important rabbi say such things it has to be somehow important.
Does Osama Bin Laden speak for all Muslims?
No, however thanks to Osama all muslim got treated like potential terrorist and it is fine, because he was one of leaders of fanatic nest of fanatic muslim vipers not only one terrorist. Probably not all jews are bad,but as long as they don't condemn and not fight jewish supremacists and jews supporting communism they shall as suspected of being ones of those like muslims are suspected of planning of terrorist attack or supporting it.Better safe than sorry.
I’m not talking about the thoughts or actions of a few disturbed individuals, I’m talking about ideology written into the holy books.
As I said - if there wouldn't be such ideas in jewish holy books why the hell those rabbi would say such things ?
And about Talmud - huh,find one legitimate,that's the problem. There is Bible in internet - translated to all languages. Quran and it's comments in internet too - translations too. But when it comes to jewish Talmud - only parts are available translated in quite obfuscated versions and try to find one legitimate version... And as fair as I know probably teaching non-jews what is in Talmud might be somehow prohibited by jewish community and that's the reason. Why they hide it?
As fair as I know however:
But one thing looks quite sure: Talmud is all about different rabbi's comments,so if at least some important rabbi say such things it has to be somehow important.
Does Osama Bin Laden speak for all Muslims?
No, however thanks to Osama all muslim got treated like potential terrorist and it is fine, because he was one of leaders of fanatic nest of fanatic muslim vipers not only one terrorist. Probably not all jews are bad,but as long as they don't condemn and not fight jewish supremacists and jews supporting communism they shall as suspected of being ones of those like muslims are suspected of planning of terrorist attack or supporting it.Better safe than sorry.
I’m not talking about the thoughts or actions of a few disturbed individuals, I’m talking about ideology written into the holy books.
As I said - if there wouldn't be such ideas in jewish holy books why the hell those rabbi would say such things ?
And about Talmud - huh,find one legitimate,that's the problem. There is Bible in internet - translated to all languages. Quran and it's comments in internet too - translations too. But when it comes to jewish Talmud - only parts are available translated in quite obfuscated versions and try to find one legitimate version... And as fair as I know probably teaching non-jews what is in Talmud might be somehow prohibited by jewish community :/
As fair as I know however:
But one thing looks quite sure: Talmud is all about different rabbi's comments,so if at least some important rabbi say such things it has to be somehow important.
Does Osama Bin Laden speak for all Muslims?
No, however thanks to Osama all muslim got treated like potential terrorist and it is fine, because he was one of leaders of fanatic nest of fanatic muslim vipers not only one terrorist. Probably not all jews are bad,but as long as they don't condemn and fight jewish supremacists and jews supporting communism they shall as suspected of being ones of those like muslims are suspected of planning of terrorist attack or supporting it.Better safe than sorry.
I’m not talking about the thoughts or actions of a few disturbed individuals, I’m talking about ideology written into the holy books.
As I said - if there wouldn't be such ideas in jewish holy books why the hell those rabbi would say such things ?
And about Talmud - huh,find one legitimate,that's the problem. There is Bible in internet - translated to all languages. Quran and it's comments in internet too - translations too. But when it comes to jewish Talmud - only parts are available translated in quite obfuscated versions and try to find one legitimate version... And as fair as I know probably teaching non-jews what is in Talmud might be somehow prohibited by jewish community :/
As fair as I know however:
But one thing looks quite sure: Talmud is all about different rabbi's comments,so if at least some important rabbi say such things it has to be somehow important.
Does Osama Bin Laden speak for all Muslims?
No, however thanks to Osama all muslim got treated like potential terrorist and it is fine, because he was one of leaders of fanatic nest of fanatic muslim vipers not only one terrorist. Probably not all jews are bad,but as long as they don't condemn and fight jewish supremacists and jews supporting communism they shall as suspected of being ones of those like muslims are suspected of planning of terrorist attack or supporting it.Better safe than sorry.
I’m not talking about the thoughts or actions of a few disturbed individuals, I’m talking about ideology written into the holy books.
As I said - if there wouldn't be such ideas in jewish holy books why the hell those rabbi would say such things ?
And about Talmud - huh,find one legitimate,that's the problem. There is Bible in internet - translated to all languages. Quran and it's comments in internet too - translations too. But when it comes to jewish Talmud - only parts are available translated in quite obfuscated versions and try to find one legitimate version...
As fair as I know however:
But one thing looks quite sure: Talmud is all about different rabbi's comments,so if at least some important rabbi say such things it has to be somehow