Naw. They went all in with Newtown and the school shooting, and killing conservatives in Las Vegas, thinking that if the cons are the target for a change, they will swing over to be for gun control. If the dead kids (or crisis actors) wasn't enough, than nothing will. Don't forget all the folks that are new gun owners from the pandemic.
They will do it with a death by a thousand cuts.
- Hi-cap mag will be reclassified as "destructive devices" and need tax stamps
- arm brace pistols will be reclassified as short barreled rifles if they have a brace on them and you can shoulder it
- import/export regs will be used to go after gun fabricators
- they will push to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and if they do (say if they get rid of the Senate filibuster) there will be a torrent of litigation to bankrupt the gun companies
- banking regulators will go after gun companies, the NRA, nonprofits, and banks that make loans to gun companies, giving them extra scrutiny if they do. Banks will refuse to do business with gun companies. Trump shut Obama down on their last effort at this, expect it to come back again. They will go further, and try to get, say VISA, to not allow purchases of guns with their cards.
Other ways, but these are the big five. Don't expect another Heller decision by SCOTUS...they've shown themselves to be cowards on this issue for 12 years since they made that decision in 2008 and the McDonald decision in 2010, which interpreted the 2nd Amendment as an individual right and incorporated it against state encroachment.
Naw. They went all in with Newtown and the school shooting, and killing conservatives in Las Vegas, thinking that if the cons are the target for a change, they will swing over to be for gun control. If the dead kids (or crisis actors) wasn't enough, than nothing will. Don't forget all the folks are new gun owners from the pandemic.
They will do it with a death by a thousand cuts.
- Hi-cap mag will be reclassified as "destructive devices" and need tax stamps
- arm brace pistols will be reclassified as short barreled rifles if they have a brace on them
- import/export regs will be used to go after gun fabricators
- they will push to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, and if they do (say if they get rid of the Senate filibuster) there will be a torrent of litigation to bankrupt the gun companies
Other ways, but these are the big four. Don't expect another Heller decision by SCOTUS...they've shown themselves to be cowards on this issue for 12 years since they made that decision in 2008 and the McDonald decision in 2010, which interpreted the 2nd Amendment as an individual right and incorporated it against state encroachment.