Agenda 2030.
Digital currency.
Social credit score
Smart Cities and Grid
Elite have financial market on social credit and outcomes
Carbon Tax schemes
Quarterly Vaccines w/ Genetic and Mind Ctrl Updates
Cull and control population.
The living will envy the dead (if they weren't asleep).
Agenda 2030.
Digital currency.
Social credit score
Smart Cities and Grid
Gamified Human Capital Markets (like Enron but with Credit scores and social outcomes).
Carbon Tax schemes
Quarterly Vaccines w/ Genetic and Mind Ctrl Updates
Cull and control population.
The living will envy the dead (if they weren't asleep).
Agenda 2030.
Digital currency.
Social credit score
Smart Cities and Grid
Elite have financial market on social credit and outcomes
Carbon Tax schemes
Quarterly Vaccines w/ Genetic and Mind Ctrl Updates
Cull and control population.
The living will envy the dead (if they weren't asleep).