The real conspiracy is perpetuating ignorance and hatred to marginalize and divide people so that they are more easily controlled. Stop and think, attempt an abstract thought, even if it hurts and breaks your learned thought process. What if roles are being cast based upon the actors ability to pretend to be another person in a convincing manner. The outward appearance of an actor is meaningless when you understand they are not the actual people depicted in any given time period or scenario but rather people with a talent for acting pretending to be.
The real conspiracy is perpetuating ignorance and hatred to marginalize and divide people so that they are more easily controlled. Stop and think, attempt an abstract thought, even if it hurts and breaks your ingrained thought process. What if roles are being cast based upon the actors ability to pretend to be another person in a convincing manner. The outward appearance of an actor is meaningless when you understand they are not the actual people depicted in any given time period or scenario but rather people with a talent for acting pretending to be.
The real conspiracy is perpetuating ignorance and hatred to marginalize and divide people so that they are more easily controlled. Stop and think, attempt an abstract thought even if it hurts and breaks your ingrained thought process. What if roles are being cast based upon the actors ability to pretend to be another person in a convincing manner.
The outward appearance of an actor is meaningless when you understand they are not the actual people depicted in any given time period or scenario but rather people with a talent for acting pretending to be.