Agree on some things.
I was referring to conspiracy win, and not the donald.
Reddit conspiracy is a whole other culture.
Major reddit mods are communist and sway their ideological ban hammers over all the boards. It's not an insult, it's what they openly align themselves to.
Win conspiracy isnt the same on a polar opposite spectrum. It is simply free speech.
To point out the Donald has a group with violent rehtoric is fine. I absolutely dont belive that should be in the realm of no no think or wrong speak. Its true.
And I am an active "The Donald" pede ftom its reddit days.
Agree on some things.
I was referring to conspiracy win, and not the donald.
Reddit conspiracy is a whole other culture.
Major reddit mods are communist and sway their ideological ban hammers over all the boards. It's not an insult, it's what they openly align themselves to.
Win conspiracy isnt the same on a polar spectrum. It is simply free speech.
To point out the Donald has a group with violent rehtoric is fine. I absolutely dont belive that should be in the realm of no no think or wrong speak. Its true.
And I am an active "The Donald" pede ftom its reddit days.
Agree with some things.
I was referring to conspiracy win, and not the donald.
Reddit conspiracy is a whole other culture.
Major reddit mods are communist and sway their ideological ban hammers over all the boards. It's not an insult, it's what they openly align themselves to.
Win conspiracy isnt the same on a polar spectrum. It is simply free speech.
To point out the Donald has a group with violent rehtoric is fine. I absolutely dont belive that should be in the realm of no no think or wrong speak. Its true.
And I am an active "The Donald" pede sense reddit.
Agree with some things.
I'm referring to conspiracy win, and not the donald.
Reddit conspiracy is a whole other culture.
The mods are actively saying "we are communist. We want to implement communism." And sway their ideological ban hammers over all the boards.
Win conspiracy isnt the same on a polar spectrum.
To point out the Donald has a group with violent rehtoric is fine. It should not be in the realm of no no think or wrong speak. Its true.
And I am an active "The Donald" pede sense reddit.