The Earth is not a spinning ball and this dead forum hosts kike shills spouting off the same talking points over and over and retards for the most part.
Jeranism has been a disinformation agent playing the long game in the FE community for a while and was called out a long time ago.
Witsit I don't know much about but mostly everyone has a price.
Hurr durr flat earth is to make all other conspiracies look bad, shut up faggots and move onto your next talking points.
Anyone who believes the globe earth model at this point is actually stupid, lazy or a shill.
It's amazing how hard the establishment has to push against FE. That tells you all you need to know.
Where's the curve faggot shills? You still wear NASA jammies to bed? Your brains are kiked.
The Earth is not a spinning ball and this dead forum hosts kike shills spouting off the same talking points over and over and retards for the most part.
Jeranism has been a disinformation agent playing the long game in the FE community for a while and was called out a long time ago.
Witsit I don't know much about but mostly everyone has a price.
Hurr durr flat earth is to make all other conspiracies look bad, shut up faggots and move onto your next talking points.
Anyone who believes the globe earth model at this point is actually stupid, lazy or a shill.
It's amazing how hard the establishment has to push against FE. That tells you all you need to know.
Where's the curve faggot shills? You still wear NASA jammies to bed? Your brains are kiked.
Just because space travel is fake and gay doesn't make the earth flat...