posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +6 / -2

I am going to show you the source of Earth's corruption and how to overcome in here. Read and learn.

Hillary's FrazzDrip video (intentionally mispelled) is basically a Satanic ritual to communicate with a demon named FrazzDrip. This is just an example as the deep state is in communication with many types of demons.

The deep state are addicted to adrenochrome and the Archon demons are addicted to Loosh (suffering energy). They have baby clone farms where they clone endless babies.

Btw, these People are mostly reptilian hybrids working for full blooded draco reptilians underground. The whole thing is an energy harvesting farm. They want our Life Energy which is injecting itself into us through our Soul. Their soul is so cut off from God, by their own choice, that they don't get the energy so they want to siphon it from us. As long as we keep obeying them, the siphoning will continue.

The ritually hillary is in is involves a baby from one of the baby clone farms. They do the ritual around a Baal statue (bull with human body and fat stomach. Stomach is an oven).

There are some disgusting things they do with the baby which I won't even mention. There's no point but it's very evil and this causes the energy to go low enough to match that of a demon. The demon can then interact with the inner mind of that person (ie Hillary). The demon makes certain requests out of the Humans in exchange for help to get more richer and more powerful. When the demon enters, it is an energy of pure fear that brings the communicator to his or her knees. The communication is made and then the demon departs.

Then the communicator communicates what the demon wants to the other cult members.

Meanwhile the baby burns alive in the oven and drips out adrenochrome for the cult members to drink and get high from. They say it's very addicting.

The only thing that can stop these low energy beings is love because love, like light, transmutes darkness to light. The demon is in the deepest part of hell. Hell is a state of being with the most intense fear possible. Mind projects reality so that inner fear they experience projects and external hell which includes their own body being a demon! Meanwhile, a pure an innocent soul is within the demon trapped, afraid and disconnected. The soul is attached to the Higher Spirit Self which is in Heaven. Heaven is a place of the highest form of love known as "The Father's House". The Father and Higher Spirits simply project the best of the best up there so it's wonderful and truly astonishing. Perfect means perfect. Heaven is always different and no matter how far one goes into it, it never ends so it can be explored forever and there will still be new forms of perfection to be discovered. The universe is a consciousness Farm where minds are being raised by good beings like Jesus to self improve until we reach an inner state of Heaven. Then our outer state becomes Heaven too. This takes multiple lifetimes (thousands if not millions to achieve) because the levels between here and Heaven are many. 3D Earth is actually considered a mild form of Hell but we are also in the process of upgrading it which has the Archons in a frenzy.

The 1960s Love movement was shut down by the deep state using their psyops including drugs, the Beatles and Charles Manson. They know what love does to them. It destroys their demonic mask ego which would free the soul within ending the demon forever. The demon wants to live. The inner soul is the true self though and that part wants to rise. The external energy of love awakens the soul within empowering it to break the demonic ego mask converting the dark demon into a light being.

Believe it or not, the greater conspiracy is that the whole universe is a game and part of the game is for light and darkness to compete with the light winning in the end. It is rigged that way. The only thing we can do is slow down victory making mistakes. Those mistakes lead to painful consequences which act as serious teaching tools.

The Archons were allowed to rebel to force Humans into learning serious lessons. Humans are only 2 steps above the caveman level of being across a million years of evolution so our species was dragging it's ass and had to have motivation. When the rebellion happened, it was allowed to go on to motivate such species as ours to learn fast and rise by digging within for power. It is a last ditch effort to push Humanity from it's slumber it's been in some time.

Keep in mind, when the caveman gets mad, they attack with a club. When the modern human gets mad, they attack with financial harm. We are supposed to get past to the next level which is working as a worldwide loving family as the ants do. Jesus explained it to us but he knew we would try all the other ways of living before we tried his way. His way is the only way because love is the cornerstone of Life. Without it, chaos ensues. Faith is also important. If humanity had faith, we would never let the deep state continue shitting all over us. Unity is for power. Forgiveness is to be able to unite with others and end revenge. This is the message of Salvation mentioned by Jesus (not his death on the cross lol). The death on the cross was a psyop started by the Roman Empire to distract from the instructions of Jesus which leads to world salvation.

Now the contrast of good and evil is seen firsthand by Humanity. This will come in handy later on and everyone will understand why God allowed it all to continue once we get to higher levels. It would take too long to explain but let's call it a "necessary evil" that is only temporary. Now the lessons are learned so it's time for us to win the Spiritual War and the only way to win is for Humanity to Unite and treat each other like Cousins (family members). Just help each other the best way you can. Be kind to others as you would your own cousins.

Meanwhile,People wonder when Jesus gets back. Jesus has been at the door waiting for us to try his method for salvation to see that it works. Once that is done, the lessons is complete and a new Biblical era ensues full of miracles and winning. If Jesus returns earlier, the entire lessons would collapse and Humanity would still have to learn it. So it is better to let Humanity cry until it figures out that we have to practice Jesus' tenants to save the World. The path is wide but the gate is narrow. We have to walk through the narrow gate.

Once this is done, Humanity goes into a new higher level but there are even higher and higher levels. In this new level, all things drastically improve. It feels like standing up from a crouched position and realizing we can do much more than we previously thought. Evil exists at a much lower level at the next level and is nonexistent at the level after that.

There will be all kinds of ETI who are also souls in random ego bodies. Some of them are great and some of them try to deceive. They see Humans as the little kid on the block who is finally old enough to play outside. The Human age is going from 4-5 as we speak. These ETI are like 7-10. They are kids too and kids sometimes bully younger kids. The older kids cannot be seen until we raise our vibe frequency high enough but they can see us.

Everything in Life is done for good reason. The good and the bad. This is because God, who is always in charge, is good luckily. Not just good, perfect.

The final step is to convert "oh ye of little faith" to:

  1. Humans with so much faith that we feel certainty. Then everything flows in life well because the universe is happening in the mind so our thoughts effect our life.

  2. Unity. Unity is literally power. Humans often feel powerless because there has been too much division. We must unite for power. Then life is a breeze. We cannot unite by force of law though. That leads to corruption. Only voluntarily for the sake of a better world.

  3. Love. Unity cannot happen with Love. Love stems from our inner connection to the same Father God who is the Kingdom Of Heaven Without our core and everyone has the same Kingdom Of Heaven within them.

  4. Forgiveness. Forgiveness isn't weakness. It's power. It means nobody can trigger you. You are too strong to let anyone phase you but it also leads to the end of revenge/battles and allows for love between the 2 to exist. The person being forgiven ends up respecting the one who did the forgiving once the dust settles. Forget striking back. You can cut of the relationship if you want but forgive.

Then all our dreams come true as the whole planet transforms into a rich environment and the Biblical Times go into full gear. Eventually we do see Jesus' return in full form as the new Prince of the World to replace the devil who hijacked Earth long ago by converting Humans into cult members in ancient times. Jesus guided Humanity out of the cult age which is why the deep state hate him so much.

What do we prefer? God's way or the way of the devil. If you all want to beat this evil, this is honestly the way. I have researched this for 10 years thoroughly and know there is no other way.