posted ago by monkey_ona_ball ago by monkey_ona_ball +10 / -3

Before our modern USA of the little season, there was a previous one. This is its story.

In the beginning, perhaps eleven or so centuries before today, Moorish sailors from the Barbary Coast, Spain, and Portugal reached across the Atlantic and found, in Florida and Cuba, the ruins of what was once the civilization of Atlantis, many thousands of years ago, with red-skinned natives running among them, wearing loincloths. These Arabs called the continent "America", and this was around the same time that Genghis Khan of Tartary, the red-headed, blue eyed warrior and follower of the prophecy of Jesus of Samarkand, traversed the Bering with his men and conquered into California. Not long after, word of the discovery, both from the Caliphate and the Khanate reached Europe, specifically the court of the Hanseatic League. These Germans spread the word in turn to their allies, the English and French alike, who were masters of the maritime, just as the great merchants of Hamburg, Danzig, and Riga.

Soon, in what's today known as Quebec (once New France), New England, and Michigan (once New Prussia), European settlements started forming. Just as the Spaniards and other Moorish groups were doing to their south, and the Tartarians to their west; the white man was trading with, subjugating, and leading to greatness—the red man, the continent's native population. This native-colonizer dynamic was with one exception, that of Arcadia, located to the north of New England and to the east of New France. This area was home to a non-native, that is to say Adamite, but also a long-established society in the area. Their legends had it that they were the last group of unmixed Atlanteans left in America, and they were a beautiful people, of fair skin and all hair and eye colors; for thousands of years, fishers, poets, warriors, and masons living in what's today Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. This said, their numbers were few, and their reach, limited. They spoke the now-lost Arcadian tongue, which may have had some resemblance to Berber, Guanche, or Basque, found on the other side of the sea. Yet, this story is not too focused on the Arcadians, despite their part, and however lovely they were—indeed, they resembled the people of the film "Midsommar", in a way, and just like the Moors, Tartarians, and Hanseatics, among other groups of purity at the time, they were a monotheistic, divine people.

The European colonial towns in the area quickly grew into cities, fueled with transatlantic emigrants of the various empires—British, Prussian, French, and even Dutch and Danish. These colonies soon touched the borders of one another, and that of Arcadia too, though as they were all allies back in those days, under the German hegemon of Europe, who was too allied with the Tartarians and the Arabs, they did not go to war. Instead, they founded the United States of America, which had its territory from the Tartarian border just east of Chicago, to the Moorish border just south of Norumbega (which today is known as Washington, DC). The capital of the United States was in the city of Ottawa, at the parliament buildings of today's Canada. This original United States was a condominium, structured as a joint-stock corporation between all of the participating European powers as well as the Arcadian king, with each of the involved crowns holding a specific number of shares; the greatest of which was the king of the Germans. There, colonizers of one nation could trade freely with those of another nation, and could export to Europe under a single system of treaties. The main industry was initially the fur trade and forestry, later expanding into dairy, mining, and manufacturing; all with a focus on export to Europe, and to a lesser degree, the Tartarians and the Arabs. This was in contrast to the economy of Dixie, a region of the Moorish Caliphate, which mostly specialized in cotton, picked by negro slaves imported from Africa across the ocean (just as the Moors also did across the Sahara, bringing the Subsaharan natives, who they sadly came to mix with to some extent, into their homeland around their capital, Baghdad in Iraq)—a model they replicated in Cuba (mostly ruled by Spaniards), per cane sugar, and Brazil (mostly ruled by the Portuguese), per other crops of produce. Of the United States, English, the white man's original language; of Adam and the angels guiding him, as well as the language of the Anglo-Saxons and Tartarians, was the lingua franca.

By the release of the devil and the beginning of our little season 248 years ago, the US was home to some of the world's great cities; including the likes of Quebec City, New York, Norumbega, Montreal, Detroit, and Boston. Today though, its true history is largely forgotten, and a Satanic system of governance, along with a false history of the clowns, prevails over it. This new United States, of different borders, bears little semblance to the old.