posted ago by Section23 ago by Section23 +1 / -4

Sorry if this sounds like a Retconned post.

There's so much supernatural shit going on both physical and digital where things randomly break/work don't work or your blocked in various ways or even just have synchronincies work against you people who try to get anywhere now can't so they give up.
It feels like the old methods of gaining positive attitudes/karma is either not working or blocked by some higher power we have yet to decipher.

The biggest problem for most is it's now even impossible to even rent a cheap shoebox unless you are lucky to have rich parents to give you a head start as entire housing projects are ran by corrupt Chinese landlords as capitalism rapidly breaks down China is taking full advantage of it. I don't know how they have figured it out but as each arm of capitalism is cut off they seem to benefit almost overnight.

If the young people are 'lucky' by some divine force and have access to guns at home they can 'do something' about it by giving God the five fingered fist with a few quick blasts of their shotgun and their mouths.

Remember in their minds it DOESN'T F'KING MATTER if they die or not the world is f'ked beyond recourse so they are going to go out with a bang and hopefully as a bonus force someone to make changes to the system.

It's become to the point that guns are such a very coveneant tool now now just handy to have as the world has gone down the shitter both physical and especially digital to release/vent their frustrations.

Again sorry this sounds like a bizarre Retconned post but the world situation is totally f'ed up in supernatural ways with a drive wheel governing it.