posted ago by Section23 ago by Section23 +1 / -0

I think something snapped in 2020 and it has gotten on steroids. I wish to believe it's the same as always but there are certain things that just stand out that take way too long to post here and above the pay grades on here.

Now most places have blocked a ton of keywords all leaned towards the right wing and anyone they associate as getting close to the creator that try to live it rather then be livid.

In fact it's on live TV now, When Trump was having his last debate every so often during live keywords they kept showing this 'Chinese knitting lady' interrupting the feed only on that channel and during key parts of the debate. I think it's a way of censoring key words and I don't know if everyone watching it gets that interruption, or if they are targeting 'Conservatives' or specific groups of people because if they can go that far that' a VERY scary sign of how advance they actually are.

I know MS Bing can detect sentencing structure now despite no one mentioning it I think the AI has gone beyond just keywords now. and live TV is SOMEHOW able to pick it up. Not sure how though.