“Science fiction books and films are very often communication tools we use to predict a future that, in fact, already exists. Or they pass on accurate information but in fantastic form, in a way that people can hear it without being frightened by it.” The Naked Bible by Mauro Biglino
Congressman Says Alien UFO Tech Is Being 'Reverse Engineered' in Secret https://www.newsweek.com/congressman-tim-burchett-ufo-technology-reverse-engineered-1786068
Reality of Suppressed Technology | This Is What The “Secret Government” Does To New Technologies That Could Change Our World https://stillnessinthestorm.com/2016/07/17/reality-of-suppressed-technology-this-is-what-the-secret-government-does-to-new-technologies-that-could-change-our-world/13/01/00/5616/uncategorized/justin/
MAJESTIC 12 AND THE SECRET GOVERNMENT By William Cooper https://archive.org/details/majestic-12-files
Source unless otherwise specified: https://www.docdroid.net/nT0Shkt/version-2-majestic-messages-of-disclosure-pdf.
Question. Can you confirm all of these people are members?
Donald J Trump
General Flynn
Joseph Dunford
James Mattis
William Barr
Patrick Shanahan
Paul Selva
Answer. 3 on that list are MJ12.
Reply. !(not) PS.
COMMENT. !(not)PS = JD or JM
Reply Check their pasts and then ask your question again to yourself. You know the answer.
COMMENT. I do. Yet disinformation is...
Reply. This member is obvious. No disinformation needed. Its common knowledge to our adversaries.
Correct. https://t.co/0rJhau1PmE
Mattis is clean.
Mattis is on MJ-12.
Majestic Flynn.
Trump: Quantum leap in American standard of living https://youtu.be/n8-2CsObqso
Trump Signs Law Establishing U.S. Space Force https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/2046035/trump-signs-law-establishing-us-space-force/
This new branch of Government will focus a massive conscious investment into space technologies. Hundreds of thousands of engineers and scientists building the devices for the thousands of patents currently outside of industrial mainstream.
However, the purpose of the Space Force creation was to force all of the secret technology out of the shadows and into the Commander in Chief's desk.
The law requires them to comply.
“PROGRAMS EXIST THAT ARE outside of public domain.”; “HIGHEST CLASSIFICATION”Q Previously posted: https://greatawakening.win/p/17si9wWuv6/false-moon-landings-are-realpr/c/
Your "God" was an illusion designed to install the New World Order. Mostly lies, even thought he actual text in the Bible does resonate many truths with the true nature of the universe.
That being has granted many of them miracles, cures to diseases, and access to vastly superior technology.
Question. What about the 5,000+ classified patents? I know not all might be related to this topic, but surely a good handful are, and could be useful today/instantly, without fear of destroying our self, no?
Answer. Destroying ourselves with technology is a very real problem. What would happen if brainwashed drones like ISIS deciphered? How many people would be murdered? What about hostage situations? They are more dangerous than you think. With great power comes great responsibility.
Question. OK fair enough that can be acceptable... but releasing free energy tech, killing inventors and suppressing tech is not an excuse, could of done that on a slow process could of at least let inventors progress
Answer. We did do it slow, and we did let the inventors take credit for the progress. Had the NWO not sided with NTE and taken control over MJ12 with the election of 2B/322, we would have released that technology. The patents all exist (TS//SCI). The product just needs to be unveiled.
Question. Understood - there are still bad actors! Would health related technology still fall into this category?
Answer. Yes.
Will cures be released in the near future? Yes.
A lot of medical technology was discovered over the last 50 years that make it nearly impossible for a soldier to die if they actually make it to the medical facility in time INSIDE one of the [MANY] DUMBs we have. That's been kept secret and MJ12 has murdered to keep secret.
Blockchain technology allows you to replicate medical technologies outside of this Cabal's control.
Yes, technology exists to correct the damages caused by vaccines…
We can fix the aging process. Not science fiction. There is more than one way to live longer.
“What if CURES already exist?”Q
All cures for disease require a segment of DNA to identify the root cause. Most non-Mil medical technology cannot fully sequence and decipher. Corporations are positioning themselves for these disclosures. How many CEOs have TS clearances?
CRISPR Explained https://youtu.be/UKbrwPL3wXE
@leecamp 04/24/18 https://t.co/rqQ0OETOsB Wall Street has now ADMITTED that curing diseases is bad for their bottom line. They say it's better for them to keep people sick as long as possible. Our society has blasted past satire on many levels. This is the latest Onion-headline-turned-reality. https://t.co/y2AMQrdeFL
End Quote.
The Majestic-12 have been on the cutting edge of disease cure research, however our corporate overlords with whom we answer to, prohibit the real cures from hitting the market because healthy people are not controllable. And the Majestic-12 is all about control.
HIV is a political virus weaponized by the Pentagon at the request of Majestic 12 while it was under Cabal control. The virus existed beforehand however the cure was discovered decades ago. The cure has been classified for National Security reasons that could jeopardize Hollywood.
US5676977A - Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US5676977A/en
Comment. Hopefully you do something very nice like cure everyone of their diseases since you did take us to the cleaners.
Answer. What are in every room on the Starship Enterprise?
Comment. Replicator technology.
Answer. Would humanity forgive the Majestic 12 if we guaranteed that every single person on Planet Earth had quick and convenient access to replication technology?
Question. Will you be able to program the replicators so that other countries can't use them to make weapons instead? Also, for the poorest of the poor, will the replicators require electrical power?
Answer. Crystal technology is used for the pattern storage. The data is encrypted and the patterns on file are limited to all types of foods. THe Crystal is synthetic.
Question. TH C #
Answer is synthetic. The devices use the scalar field and consciousness in order to manifest the food into thin air. The device focuses the thought into the quantum signature of the intended item. Think of it as a translation device. Ineffective language to language of creation. Language of creation. The console will be voice controlled.
Question. Will Replicator tech be affordable for the average person? What about people in third world countries? What materials are required to make/maintain the devices?
Answer. Look for devices in the future that look like microwaves, cost the same as microwaves, but instead of cooking food, they print food. Yes. They do exist and they are in the pipeline for public release. Not yet though.
Food Replicator technology will become as common as microwave ovens in the developed world.
We are willing to offer food replication technology in the not too distant future as a new cutting edge technology to curb worldwide hunger.
The devices will be free, many patterns will be free, special patterns created by patented technology will be sold for a price.
Question. Will replicators be available to the general public anytime soon?
Answer. Within the decade.
Question. How would they be distributed?
Answer. DIY with possible kits distributed using open source blockchain technology. Economy 2.0? Replicator would have competitor products sold as "patterns".
Replication technology will be readily available for all people to simply print what they need that would normally be sold in stores. The technology has been slowly getting disclosed, however after "The Storm has arrived" 45 tweet, Eyes Wide Open.
Scientists Create First 3-D Printed Wagyu Beef https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/scientists-create-first-3-d-printed-wagyu-beef-180978565/
'Fish fillets' from a 3-D printer could be hitting a plate near you. Would you eat one? https://www.businessinsider.com/grouper-fish-fillet-grown-in-lab-spit-out-3d-printer-2023-5?op=1
The Complete History of 3D Printing: From 1980 to 2023 https://www.3dsourced.com/guides/history-of-3d-printing/
Free Energy Exists? Yes.
Question. so when do they DISCLOSE and GIVE FREE ENERGY DEVICES to People of EARTH to stop CLIMATE CHANGE and start a new Earth Era more PLANET n BIODIVERSITY FRIENDLY.
Answer. Within the next decade. Plan's already in motion in very high levels. It takes so long due to global consciousness laws (karma). We need to ensure that free will is maintained throughout this process. If its not, we will suffer greatly. We cannot violate free will.
Question. Will the current generation of the world ever benefit from free energy technology? What about electrogravitics?
Answer. Yes.
You can travel affordably if time is not a major factor in your planning. You can travel even easier if you learned how to create your own UFO.
New flight technology will soon replace the "ancient" engine technology.
New technology, similar to that in Independence Day will soon be revealed to the public in the form of the Space Force's arsenal of utilities. The Air Force produced magnificent aircraft. The Space Force will produce mind-blowing spacecraft.
Will traditional vehicles be replaced by teleportation? Yes
We have millions of cars and electronics to replace.
US20060071122A1 - Full body teleportation system - Google Patents https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060071122A1/en
Question. Understandable. So when do we get to see a tour of a Starship?
Answer. Probably before 2030.
Yes, we have over 500 different vessels that are capable of interstellar travel. The actual number may be a lot higher or lower than that, we can't give you an exact number because its Classified.
You forget that we have almost 100 off world bases too plus companion spaceflight vessels similar to the aircraft that would fly on an aircraft carrier. The carrier would be the vessel in this case. 500+++ of those.
Q: Will we ever travel to distant galaxy’s? A: "We" already have.
Q: Will we be aloud to use star gates when disclosure happens?
A: The plan is to have spaceports that include teleportation/ beaming technology that use some of the relative physics involved in "stargates".
Our future is amazing. We have spent decades prepping you for it so we can make a TEN THOUSAND YEAR LEAP in civilization development in under a decade. Innovation flood gates have been busted wide open. A Flood Approaches.
After-all, we are talking about transforming our society in the next 10 years into a Space Culture with Space Ports to Andromeda and AMERICA FIRST!
8/ The OLD GUARD is being systematically dismantled by the super elite Defense Intelligence Agency. A new future awaits America and it is one that includes disclosing Extraterrestrial life not only here on Earth but also on the Moon, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, and many more.
This is about evolving to a race capable of interstellar space travel knowing some of the dangers associated with it but how having a STRONG MILITARY can you have safety to all the people under those domains.
Focus On MilTech Congressional Oversight
No Planes = UFOs
No Cows = Replicators
No Cars = Transporters
Basic Income = Crypto Based On Information (value = Σ (sigma) knowledge)
Cause&Effect - > DECLAS tech
DECLAS tech - > No Planes
DECLAS tech - > No Cows
DECLAS tech - > No Cars
Ranking franchises with respect to their Disclosure efforts:
1.Stargate SG-1
2.Star Trek
3.Star Wars
Other Disclosure programs were embedded after the fact and not intended to be used for SSP Disclosure.
1.Stargate SG-1 disclosed the following:
DUMBs real purpose
ET life is in regular contact with US Military
The "Trust" are the Cabal (minus the Vatican angle)
US Military has several space vessels - Exotic Space Weapons
Medical technology unavailable to public +++more
2.Star Trek disclosed the following:
Nobody gets paid in the SSP for their SSP work (Cabal engineering)
Food replication technology
Hyperdimensional travel (Warp Speed)
How socialism is supposed to be implemented (Cabal engineering)
Galaxy has a few rival races
3.Star Wars disclosed the following:
Glorified "Jihad" against Government (Cabal engineering)
Worship of pure evil (Cabal engineering)
Galaxy is filled with rivaling races (Cabal engineering)
Barter is the universal form of currency (Cabal Engineering)
All three of these franchises were necessary to a certain extent during the purposes of controlled Disclosure of the SSP.
Q1730 "SPECIALIZED WEAPONS PACKAGE." The Pumped Phase-Conjugate Weapons System. How do you shoot down a missile without aiming? Explained clearly and simply. https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1y999Mt/q1730-specialized-weapons-packag/
Q: Will there be a global currency reset?
A: Yes
The Brave New World of Scalar Electromagnetics http://www.prahlad.org/pub/bearden/scalar_wars.htm
The Tom Bearden Website https://web.archive.org/web/20220428030850/http://www.cheniere.org/
EXCLUSIVERetired US Army Colonel says secret UFO projects should be made public by October 2030 - to beat America's rivals and get ahead of a 'catastrophic' leak https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12769109/us-army-commander-ufo-secret-declassified.html
Donald Trumps Thanksgiving Message 2023 https://youtu.be/OIO6IoJy10M https://files.catbox.moe/supjni.mp4
“We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful BRAVE NEW WORLD lies ahead.
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.