posted ago by Koanic ago by Koanic +6 / -2

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Table of Contents

  1. Economics
    1. Personal
      1. Ultimate Tech Update - Acquiring $200K+ Out of School and Surviving AI | BowTied Bull>
      2. Entire banking system in Cuba collapses, citizens left penniless and desperate. | Edward Morgan> | warning shot
    2. De-dollarization
      1. There's More to China's U.S. Debt-Dumping Rush Than Meets the Eye | Lau Vegys>
      2. Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem | Pepe Escobar> | The Unit: 40% gold, 60% BRICS currency basket
      3. "West's Governments Need War" Warns Martin Armstrong "Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable" | ZH>
    3. Correlations Explained | Martin Armstrong> | markets don't behave according to neo-Keynesian dogma
  2. GAE
    1. Australia
      1. Eliminating Cash in Australia ASAP – Number ONE Anti-Free Speech in the World | Martin Armstrong>
    2. ConUS
      1. Economics
      2. Generations
      3. Monarchy
      4. Oligarchy
      5. Race
      6. Sex
    3. EU
      1. The Eurovision 2024 Finale Was Basically a Demonic Ritual | Edward Morgan>
      2. ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles. | The National Pulse
      3. German Teens Embrace ‘Foreigners Out!’ Anthem in Nightclubs. | The National Pulse | Stasi investigates
    4. Race
      1. The Migrant Crisis is How Rome Fell – Its Our turn this time | Martin Armstrong>
  3. Health
    1. COVID
      1. Harms
      2. Justice
    2. Plandemic 2
      1. Globalists Plot Worldwide Genocide via WHO Pandemic Treaty | Richard C>
      2. DISEASE-X: 70 Colorado Dairy Farm Workers Monitored for Symptoms as FDA Claims Bird Flu Will Kill One In Four Americans | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World>
      3. DISEASE-X UPDATE: U.S. Bankrolling Creation of Deadlier, More Contagious Bird Flu Strains | 2nd Smartest Guy in the World>
    3. Vaccines
      1. Measles vaccine math | Steve Kirsch> | proof nobody should take it
      2. Near 0 deaths per year from MMR in the US over the last 6 years. So why do we REQUIRE kids to get the measles jab? | Steve Kirsch> | best case: saves <5 lives /yr for 50k new autism cases
      3. Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’ | Dr. Joseph Mercola>
  4. MENA
    1. Two Years in the Making | VD> | IDF-Hamas Oct 7th green flag
    2. IDF Operations in Gaza Go Haywire | Russ Winter>
    3. Sometimes Tropes are True | VD> | GAE ZoG hypocrisy
  5. Race
    1. On Jewish intelligence | A review of the evidence, and problems facing the research | Emil O. W. Kirkegaard> | confirms smarter than Euro average
    2. Why is the West so weak (and Russia so strong)? | Gaius Baltar> | Bioleninism ended meritocracy required for advanced technology
    3. The Tattoo Fail | An obstacle is not a boost | VD>
    4. The London ECM Next Weekend | Martin Armstrong> | immivasion: history repeating | sovereign debt crisis
  6. Russo-China
    1. Allies
      1. The DragonBear-Hug Signals Unprecedented Expansion of Ties | Simplicius> | Russia mobilizes | ballistic beats AD
      2. Russia and China Have Had Enough | Pepe Escobar> | Astana SCO alliance against rabid GAE
    2. China
      1. Dollar
      2. Taiwan
      3. Rule of the Five Percent | How China selects its governing elite. | Godfree Roberts> | Confucian gaokao IQ meritocracy
    3. Greater Russia
      1. Allies
      2. Ukraine
      3. USA
  7. Sex
    1. Androgyny
      1. THE MANAGEMENT OF DEMOCRACY | How it worked, and how its going | Frank Wright> | testosterone decline, birth control
      2. How to Radicalize a Generation of Young Men | Harmonica>
    2. Men
      1. SSH | influencing ranks
      2. The Gamma's Lament | This is how you end up without a woman in your life | VD> | Miles Mathis' whining
      3. Raising children worthy of empires | Part II - 'The rich should leave their wealth to their children, not to charity' | Johann Kurtz>
    3. Women
      1. Delta-Gamma Ineptitude | VD> | ruthlessly dump the pro-trans girlfriend
      2. Starting From Scratch | VD> | Gen X woman rejects divorced Boomer advice, goes trad, laments missing matriarchs
  8. Temporal
    1. May 2024 Monthly - Part I | Russia Turns Up The Heat on Ukraine, Could Trump Go To Jail?, Canada Mortgage Rollover Data A Ticking Time Bomb, Stagflation Is Back | Decoding Politics>
  9. Xeno
    1. Melonheads
      1. History is Incomplete | VD> | Paracas elongated skulls
      2. How DNA Testing Revealed European Ancestry in Elongated Paracas Skulls | Joanna Gillan>
    2. Padgettite
      1. Jesus Speaks of the Pentecost | Medium: Al Fike | I> purpose of the koans is pentecost
      2. Time and No Time | Spirit: Orion | Medium: Al Fike
      3. Spread the Truth of Divine Love | Spirit: Ezekiel | Medium: Al Fike
  10. Z archive



Ultimate Tech Update - Acquiring $200K+ Out of School and Surviving AI | BowTied Bull>

Entire banking system in Cuba collapses, citizens left penniless and desperate. | Edward Morgan> | warning shot


There's More to China's U.S. Debt-Dumping Rush Than Meets the Eye | Lau Vegys>

Gold belongs to the Anunnaki, who will apport it when SHTF.

Escobar: De-Dollarization Bombshell - The Coming Of BRICS+ Decentralized Monetary Ecosystem | Pepe Escobar> | The Unit: 40% gold, 60% BRICS currency basket

"West's Governments Need War" Warns Martin Armstrong "Because Their Debts Are No Longer Sustainable" | ZH>

Correlations Explained | Martin Armstrong> | markets don't behave according to neo-Keynesian dogma



Eliminating Cash in Australia ASAP – Number ONE Anti-Free Speech in the World | Martin Armstrong>



  1. Gold, the Brief History of U.S. Debt, Not a Great Club, and the U.S.' Debt-to-GDP Surpassing Venezuela's | Lau Vegys>

    Don't buy gold; it's the Anunnaki's.

  2. The Slow Death of the American Middle Class Started in 1971 | Lau Vegys> | American Dream died with gold standard

    The Lord loves honest weights and measures.

  3. Dow Passes Record-Breaking 40,000 Midday – Jan 2020 Forecast Comes to Fruition | Martin Armstrong>

  4. Retail Sales Falling in the US – a Softer Tone | Martin Armstrong> | Fed vampires equivocate as economy expires

  5. USA | Huge Financial Shock Inevitable & Hitting Now – Ed Dowd | by Greg Hunter | COVID19 blame-shifting | Great Depression 2

  6. Inspired Idiot of the Week: The FDIC’s Swamp Man | James Hickman> | filthy Fed oligarchs


  1. The End of an Era | VD> | Boomer restaurants die

    When the customer is not White, the customer is not right.

  2. The Role of Grandparent Vanishing from Society | Martin Armstrong>

    In other words, Baby Boomers aren't doing their job.


  1. Biden

    1. "The Laptop Is Real": Justice Department Denounces Claims Of Russian Disinformation As A Biden "Conspiracy Theory" | ZH>

      He runs his family like his country: by fucking them.

    2. Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary, Where She Talks About “Showers w/my Dad” Joe Biden, is REAL in Emotional Letter to Judge

      pedo oligarchs

    3. Ashley Biden’s Journal Confirmed to be Factual Yet Again | Martin Armstrong>

  2. Trump

    1. FBI Authorized Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid |>

      Feds vs Presidents: oligarchy vs monarchy.

    2. The curtain may be coming down on Donald Trump's show trial | Alex Berenson> | Star witness Michael Cohen is inveterate liar

    3. NY Case is Destroying Our Legal System | Martin Armstrong>

    4. The Dems Opened the Door for Reciprocity | Clandestine> | Now Dems can't complain about political prosecution

    5. The 2020 Coup – Will they Do It Again in 2024? | Martin Armstrong>


  1. Did The Dulles Brothers Seal Our Fate?, by Paul Craig Roberts - The Unz Review | capitalist warpigs

  2. Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media | ZH>



  1. CA officials claim illegal drove a ‘rape dungeon’ on wheels, complete with children’s toys and ropes… | Revolver News>

    Getting what she voted for.

  2. A Free Pass on Beating Children | VD> | sharia starts in Minnesota public elementary schools

  3. Top House Dem Penned Paper Demanding ‘Alien Suffrage.’ | National Pulse>

    Why not? Women and niggers already can.

  4. Ohio Prohibits Migrants from Voting | Martin Armstrong> | Dems want migrants to vote

  5. Civil War… Really? | James Hickman> | Huguenot civil war compared to USA | misses racial divide

    Difference is, they were all French.

  6. George Washington Warned Against A "Passionate Attachment" To Israel | Brian McGlinchey>

    Lie: "Israel is our greatest ally"
    Truth: "AIPAC is our greatest donor."


  1. A Global Censorship Prison Built by the Women of the CIA | elizabeth nickson>

  2. Put a Chick in It and Make her Gay. And Lame. | Are we hag-ridden? Yes, yes we are. | elizabeth nickson> | feminist folly, channeled wisdom

    the scattered female empath is fit to channel the divine, not to rule directly


The Eurovision 2024 Finale Was Basically a Demonic Ritual | Edward Morgan>

testosterone collapse

‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles. | The National Pulse

German Teens Embrace ‘Foreigners Out!’ Anthem in Nightclubs. | The National Pulse | Stasi investigates


The Migrant Crisis is How Rome Fell – Its Our turn this time | Martin Armstrong>




  1. Official US government data shows that there is no doubt whatsoever that the COVID vaccines cause Guillain-Barre, Bell's palsy, and other serious side effects | Steve Kirsch>

  2. The State of Mortality in Minnesota: BAD | Ashmedai>

  3. Latest Rasmussen survey shows that the "cure" was nearly as deadly as the disease | Steve Kirsch> | mRNA vaxx doubled COVID death toll

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