posted ago by Cnspry123 ago by Cnspry123 +2 / -2

(Note: I am NOT an expert on her by any means and didn't follow her. I got all my knowledge from the gamers who hate her. That's why I would love Crazy Russian's take on this whole saga... is she ok? Is she in a hospital/war/kidnapped? will she come back?!?! She's like a crazy genius and as far as I know, she never harmed anyone, even with her advanced computer skills. She just made people butthurt because she was honest and open about her beliefs and opinions)

... wtf?? The PIRATING community hated and shunned the only person is the world with her skills and willingness to help.

Not only that but they tracked her down, reported her, and tried to get her arrested/imprisoned because they hated her views so much.

They said she was crazy, racist and transphobic. They are happy she is gone and wishing her ill, that she's in a psych ward or hoping she was grabbed off the street by Russia military and sent to fight/die in the Ukraine front lines.

Wtf?!?! Is this because there are like a billion indians and most are techies + most western gamers/techies are gay and trans and have kinks about dogs, being cucked, and being infantilized so their gf will diaper them like a baby? Yes. Yes. The state of western gamers is so sad. My Little Pony lover is the least of it.

Why do people cut off their nose to spite their face? Now they are all whining that they can't play the latest game releases and have to pay exorbitant prices to basically rent games. Or go through/pay sketchy sources to get a gaming account that could be taken away at any time.

Yes, she asked for donations and when she didnt get enough, she started charging like a buck each for her cracked game. Or told people to come together and raise $500 for a game crack to be released.

Yes, I understand the Pirate ethos of everything free. HOWEVER, she cracked those gamer super quickly AND she IMPROVED the performance of the games. Like where games had bugs or were lagging, she fixed the games and made them better!

With all her work, she probably didnt have time for a real job and would have need some money.

Imo, it's like how content creators ask people to donate or buy them a coffee. If the pirate community had just been willing to buy her a coffee, she could have afforded to live well in Russia and wouldn't have 'held her own cracks hostage'.

Instead she didn't get many donations iirc, got tons of hate, was shunned, and got PIRATES trying to have her imprisoned.

From what I understand, Napster and original Pirate software was attacked/sued/imprisoned by Big Music/Game developers.... NOT the users who were always downloading. Wtf is going on with the modern world?!? And people??! They think they can treat the one person in the world providing those services like shit and still get free cracks?

Yes, I understand she was problematic and different mentally:

she apparently kinda despised men (and yet still spent her time cracking games for them)

she was a girls girl who loathed indians, perhaps because of their rape culture, the sacred ganges river where they put their dead bodies and then bathed & washed clothes beside the floating corpses (hygiene?), and much more.

I am not trying to be mean to indians or their culture, but just summarizing from news articles, live video footage and my friend's personal experiences there when she was also raped by someone in the community that she knew/was friendly with (despite being with a Buddhist group visiting an Indian Buddhist community)... so even BUDDHIST communties in India can have a rape culture/individuals.

It was actually an incredibly sad story. She has met a Tibetan Buddhist when they were young, they were madly in love. Not just in love but had real love/respect/admirarion for each other like they jad knowneach ither for a thousand life times. They were friends and virgins, didn't know what they were doing. Their first kiss was on their wedding day. He was the only man she had ever been with and never wanted to be with anyone else. She had 2 beautiful children with him. He died young. She will always love him. She was technically the equivalent of a 'Lady' in their culture as she had married a very high ranking man with a high level family. She was an important part of their Buddhist community even thiugh yiu woukd never know. She was very humble and didn't let on her high social status of use any titles. She let the egos fighter for power and do their things. She was the only one trusted by His Holiness to massage and assist the holiest/highest ranking buddhist monk teacher guy in the area (an old man who had escaped from the Chinese, travelling through mountains, cold etc with only the water from boiled leather to eat.) And even she was r*ped when they went to india.

I think The Empress hated indian abuse / SA of women and children. Martial r*pe not being a thing... it's legal for Indian men to SA their wives. It's common and Indians/Pakistanis SA their wives, children and children in their extened family.

The new wife in the family is often treated horribly by the in-laws and made into basically a slave... mentally, emotionally and ohyaically abused.

If men rpe girls or women, the justice system encourages the girl to marry her rpist as a compromise solution. If women report rpe or ask cops for help, the cops might rpe her, too (which is one reason why, on paper, India has a much lower r*pe rate than the UK and other western countries.)

Not to mention all the account of relations men have with various animals, including lizards, dogs, cows, goats, etc... often causing agonizing death to the poor dog/lizard/mammal.

BUT she made clear that she didnt hate the individual indians that she knew or that were decent, quality people.

she had a god complex.... but MANY successful people (and unsuccessful people) have god complexes - at least she was open about it

she was basically a socially inept Domme and wanted simps.... many female influencers or content creators want 'simps' or followers, they are just more.. discreet/manipulative and socially graceful about how they obtained followers.

The Empress is a techie, perhaps she didn't have time to learn how to socialize or she is neurodiverse/autistic and bad at communicating/relating to people. Maybe she does have a mental illness that she can't help and didn't choose.
But really, come on. Think about how many men pursue women, at best they send dick pics and worse they threaten eternal sleep if they are rejected when they start a conversation with their uniquely explicit openings. Is The Empress sending unwanted nudes and threatening people who reject her?

she was anti-trans, I think particularly against males LARPing as women to get into womens sports and washrooms.

I guess she would go on rants and thought she was a great philosopher.... You know what? How many successful (and not so successful) men pontificate about their views and opinions? They were never attacked like she was. Or arrested. Luckily, the Russia justice system was ok and she got free, from what I understand.

I think she could have been more graceful and humble, but its difficult these days to develop social skills, especially for autistic type people who spend all their time cracking games and fixing games for the community.

Countless influencers, tv personalities, and random people on the street think they are philosophers/that their views are super important and worth sharing.

some game repackers also hate her and at least one refuses to repack any of her cracks.

So.... The Empress. Did she deserve the hate?