The deep state are using fear and trauma through economic hardship, 440 hz music, and fear based media to offset our root chakra at the base of our body. The root chakra is the ground that our life sits on so if it’s wobbly, we can’t really create a stable life. Abandoning all radio and tv media is a great way to reduce the fear mongering that wobbles the root chakra.
There are other ways. Fear itself should totally be abandoned. Caution is good but fear (worry about the future) is bad.
They do all this to create instability so they can rule over us better.
The good news is the solar flares that are coming in now have information in the light itself that enters our ways and uplifts old traumas by making us face them. This is how shrooms and meditation work too. When the trauma is uplifted, the mind is healed in that area until it’s fully healed at the end and the person is happy and healthy again. The sun flares are forcing this to happen just by walking around.
TV and radio plus other fear based systems increase the traumas which means people feel worst and worst as they go.
Ya, the split is getting very wide and they are losing their minds.
The Earth has chakras too with ley lines that connect them. Those are energy centers that distribute energy through all of the planet to affect us. What they had done is build evil organizations on the chakras and for some reason put the pyramids on the ley lines which I guess helps transfer energy. For example, Hollywood is on one of the chakras so all that evil energy just goes in through the ley lines and transferred worldwide.