posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +7 / -2

I can only say what I think is happening and what the deep state plans for psyops.

  1. The solar flare hits every 26,000 years when the sun passes a certain field in the universe causing it to shoot out solar flares that reach earth.

  2. The solar flares are made of light and light holds information which reaches us and absorbs into our being greatly improving our mind, dna and therefore our morals.

  3. The deep state live from the ego so they don’t want to improve and they cannot even handle improving. I hear this is 1 reason why they are in the bunkers. From there, they are clear from the flares. The bunkers were paid for in part by the money Biden funneled to Ukraine and Israel.

  4. The flares will drastically improve humanity in many ways including the Spiritual. Some will become confused and worship the sun as a “savior” but they don’t understand that the sun is just God’s tool as is everything. The deep state would typically take advantage of such fools.

  5. The electric grid might shut down because the flares fry the electric grid. This may seem bad but it also shuts down the deep state’s control systems which leads to sudden freedom from that oppression.

  6. The deep state plan on blaming Islamic terrorists and they will tell the conspiracy crowd that they themselves destroyed all the electric grids to fool us into thinking they are that powerful.

  7. It the Police fall apart, we must all Police for Natural Law which depends on the common sense of the masses. Basic crimes like murder, theft, kidnapping, etc… warrant a citizens arrest and 12 person jury trial. We would need to set this up and barter immediately to keep the economy rolling.

  8. If the internet falls for too long, the mind is primed to learn telepathy so that would be a good time to practice. Just focus hard on thinking about who you want to communicate. They can feel your energy nearby but humans are still trying to figure out clear communication. This breakthrough will lead to telepathic social media full of privacy features and no way to hack.

Just a heads up so if something happens, many of you know the truth and can spread it.