posted ago by Redrum647 ago by Redrum647 +12 / -2

If you ever had any doubt that people would put in the effort to collaborate for their own benefit, here is an example of how it worked in a game... For no known benefit other other trolling and happiness from destruction.

Tldr, a group of turks and possibly other nationalities (looks like german turks?) Collaborated to infiltrate all the clans/factions. They would cozy up to the leadership and eventually gain control by fair means or foul. For a few clans they kicked out the leadership from their own clans. And in others they manipulated the leaderships. Some would pretend to be women and they all supported each others stories so that in general chat it looked like these people were legit.

After they destroyed the biggest clans from the inside, the members would flee to other clans to get away from them and start anew... only to discover that there are 'double agents'/undercover turk friends/sleeper agents already in the clans who then invite the turks to again sabotage the new clan.

The servers collapse as people leave to get away from the turks. They admit to being hated by all the servers they joined.

I'm not sure why they did this, no one understood it. But they put a significant amount of coordination, strategy, time, energy and even some money into their plans.

If some random low IQ turks can do this in a kid's game, presumably, other groups can do the same for better causes.