posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +8 / -1

"I spend too much time with the finance sector and it’s beyond FUBAR. There’s one hedgefund named citadel with over 65b dollars in stocks sold but not yet purchased. Read that a couple times over. The stock market is the only place you can actually sell Something you do not own. Bank of America is sitting on a pretty 131b+ unrealized losses. Ugland house is a veryyyyy deep hole, they’ve managed to fit over 40,000 businesses into one little building. Obama went on record at one point calling then the biggest tax scam ever. After doing some more digging it turns out citadel has several shells registered to that address …. I can’t find a reason why they’re so far over leveraged unless they’re stuck in a short position from the meme stock craze. We’re talking trillions of dollars here when you add it up across the board. At some point the DTCC needs to step in for regulatory purposes before this whole thing go haywire."