posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +13 / -2

Here's some important stuff to learn asap.

All of life is made of frequency. Actually, all of Life is made of mind and every part of mind has a frequency including us.

The way Law Of Attraction works is that we attract stuff depending on what frequency we are on like a radio that changes when we change the station.

The frequency spectrum is from extreme fear to extreme love. Love can be anything including loving to get a massage, loving to be at a club, loving good food, loving a spouse, loving a job, loving a dog, etc... It's all about really getting into what your heart desires. That frequency is superior because it's the radio station you want to be on. By thinking of what we want and feeling like it is already ours, we can draw it to us. It's like fishing, the longer you fish, the better chance of a catch. Fishing works like this. Say I need a better job that pays better. I can say "I have a better job now and it pays better". I imagine like it's already happening and get all excited to see getting my first paycheck in my imagination. This imagination is happening in 2D. Then it enters 3D when potent enough. Fear based imaginings work the same way but are much harder to enter 3D reality which is good.

The Deep State knows most humans don't know how this works so they take advantage by putting fear porn all over the media they control whether it's movies or degenerate music. Then they create certain annoying or low frequencies through TV and radio like mixes of the color red & black (low frequency colors) or 440 hz (an irritating frequency) or depressing media to lower your high frequency, etc... This is a science and can be broken down into small tiny, unnoticeable things like the FEMA frequency that broadcasted today. It seems like a nothingburger but can have something to broadcast negativity into your mind or other stuff.

Now when a lot of the World experiences fear, we all attract tyrants and parasites to feed on us. If we all switch back to focusing on what makes our heart flutter, we would attract a World that makes everyone's heart flutter. This works at 2 levels. We can do this as individuals or as a planet which averages out our frequencies and produces stuff like Bill Gates. This tells you our frequency had dropped pretty low.

The best thing to do is just focus on what you want instead of what you don't want. Nobody is immune to media "Black Magic". Black Magic is when someone else controls your behavior and the way they do it here is through cell phone tower frequencies that are meant ot lower our vibe, media hypnotism (especially with news stations), and media suggestion (like suggesting that all men cheat to lower women's vibes and make them feel hopeless).

In truth, the World is what we make it by our thoughts and the deep state knows this very well. Our thoughts can override the cell phone towers and anything else if we focus. There has been a sudden rising in frequency this past few years which has the deep state in panic mode. They have run certain terrorist attacks to try to lower the frequency but People are feeling good. Many feel like this is the end of a nightmare and we are just playing out the final scenes. This is causing lots of excitement. It's actually the truth. Deep State has a 99.9% chance of total collapse.

Deep State cannot stand a positive World because they have no role in one and so they will probably evacuate to their underground civilization or one on another planet. Also, good frequencies destroy their ego mask which causes them serious cognitive dissonance and drives them crazy. One day everything is going to be peachy and those who sold their soul for financial survival are going to be revealed to themselves as traitors and live out loserish lives. The pipe dream of being a successful criminal eventually dies and so all these are reasons why they are afraid of a positive World.

Think of each mind as a projector of frequencies. If you project good ones, you attract a good life. If you don't like it, you can continue raising the frequency for an even better life. Listening to their music like hard core hip hop or rock music or watching their disgusting media will lower your vibe which lowers your quality of life and makes the world a worst place. We can override it in our mind. I think the vaccines might hinder People to a certain extent but not sure. Either way, the mind is more powerful than anything external and can override everything negative.

Last bit of interesting intel was that the CIA had made a new logo made of frequencies. A pol anon showed it to us 2 years ago and mentioned that they were going to focus more on frequency manipulation to dominate society. Here it is:


Even Tesla said to know the secrets of life, understand frequency, vibration, and energy.

This is the next stage of life because we are going to enter an era where we can heal people with frequency alone. Actually, Dr Rife already made the Rife Machine that does just that but the deep state killed him. His tech is available today online and People who buy it swear it works. 2 frequencies playing against each other cancel each other out. Rife simply figured out the frequency of each disease and made it so they cancel each other out with his machine which costs about $3000.

Also, if possible, turn off all media except social media and only go on sites that don't make you feel bad. (stay away from tik tok. They are specifically using it to lower frequency).