Pretty much that anti-slave NGOs are the new slave trade. Like environmental activist groups are funded by big fishing and big oil. Anti-slavery groups are funded by billionaires. If they get stopped by authorities they can just say we are saving these kids. Also stated that mormons funded the movie jeff flake, tim ballered of the operation underground railroad, glen beck, production company of the chosen put a lot of money behind movie and is a mormon company. Documentary of ballereds company called the abolitionist in 2018. Possible mormon backing she dont know. Also says this movie wouldnt beat indiana jones unless they wanted this narrative out there. She states that if they are pedos and came out about pedo activity then their NGO may be the last to be looked at if at all, so if your a pedo and not with underground railroad then your a pedo group being exposed. Strategic money move and to normalize it so that we dont care when a true story comes out since this movie isnt 100% true story. Desensitize population. Movie doesnt talk about NGOs either. Huge red flag. Kanye talking about Natzi and running for pres exposing harley pasternak as celebrity handler and harleys first client was Jim Caviezal. Harleys speciality is use of drugs for endurance, sleep deprivation, ignoring pain, which he learned from the canadian military. MKultra. Left media advertising for movie by telling people not to watch movie which will cause them to watch it. Method of control to traumatize people that they can do nothing to stop it while not bringing attention to the real truth.
Idk man I made it 8 mins in to this lady smoking and meandering and it's just not getting to the point. Care to sum it up?
Pretty much that anti-slave NGOs are the new slave trade. Like environmental activist groups are funded by big fishing and big oil. Anti-slavery groups are funded by billionaires. If they get stopped by authorities they can just say we are saving these kids. Also stated that mormons funded the movie jeff flake, tim ballered of the operation underground railroad, glen beck, production company of the chosen put a lot of money behind movie and is a mormon company. Documentary of ballereds company called the abolitionist in 2018. Possible mormon backing she dont know. Also says this movie wouldnt beat indiana jones unless they wanted this narrative out there. She states that if they are pedos and came out about pedo activity then their NGO may be the last to be looked at if at all, so if your a pedo and not with underground railroad then your a pedo group being exposed. Strategic money move and to normalize it so that we dont care when a true story comes out since this movie isnt 100% true story. Desensitize population. Movie doesnt talk about NGOs either. Huge red flag. Kanye talking about Natzi and running for pres exposing harley pasternak as celebrity handler and harleys first client was Jim Caviezal. Harleys speciality is use of drugs for endurance, sleep deprivation, ignoring pain, which he learned from the canadian military. MKultra. Left media advertising for movie by telling people not to watch movie which will cause them to watch it. Method of control to traumatize people that they can do nothing to stop it while not bringing attention to the real truth.