posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +13 / -1

The Andrea Tate video I uploaded got deleted for some reason. He was basically saying that back in the day, slaves worked in exchange for food and shelter. Today, modern People work for money and then trade it for food and shelter so slavery hasn't gone away.

In a healthy society, we all work together to make Life work for most of us through true equal opportunity which means we create an easy way for People to pull themselves up in Life to achieve their dreams. The reason the money system was unable to do this is because the creators of the money supply simply print money they need which devalues our money. This means they are basically stealing wealth from us through inflation. They don't earn those trillions. They steal them from us and so the economy never improves for us but it does for them. Even gold based money or crypto doesn't work because they lie about how much gold they have in reserves and they do control crypto even though they claim they don't.

Barter for everything including gold, silver, goods and services is a good step forward. We can still use fiat until it naturally dies out.

Also, if you let an Oligarchy control the laws of the land, then they will rig those laws to benefit them on our expense.

Everything needs to change starting by the defunding of the deep state by ending all tax payments. Bartering must begin now and it already has in many parts of the World. Get back into gold/silver because they are small and easy to carry around. They can be weighed on digital scales.

If you all want to save your future economic and work lives, then this is a good path forward. Anyone can add to it as we go but using the old system where we hand half our money to crooked psychos who make laws to make us poorer and them richer will NEVER work no matter how many jobs you get. You can work 24/7 a day and they will still find a way to fleece you.