Jobs always get the front and center attention when it comes to foreign influence. Outsourcing in the 90's,00's and then automation, etc...
But we need to realise what actually makes the world what we 'think' of when we say the times are changing, things aren't what they used to be etc.
It's not jobs we did or don't anymore, albeit that is certainly a part of's what those jobs used to do for our communities and our sense of country, state, city, town, farm, etc.
It's not the job itself, it was the cultures and the values and the people who we dealt with during the daily adventures, in the off hours, at the bars etc.
It's not the work, it's that we are losing out communities.
We wouldn't care if we replaced the jobs with ones which have a similar cultural influence, and probably would instead see it much like we do new tech gadgetry or convenient products.
But instead we are throwing out our values and importing completely different ones with people who have none of the same principles.
It's not the work, it values.
Culture is grown...not bought, not paid.
The only person who can fix it is you....your culture. You cannot fix anyone else, you need to be the culture.
If you have become a doomer ...fuck off. You are useless to society. Realise that.
I'm not retarded so I don't assume they will win...they have not done anything so why would they succeed....they only work because people like you give are the fault...not them...they want you to give up....that's their goal. So you support them if you do.
They don't give up..... something admirable really...
YOUR culture is failure... giving up, letting the overlords win, and claiming they have taken divinity which is the most atheist thing I have ever are playing their hand for's like how much did they pay you? Lmao.
But definitely sold out sometime are playing the fed's like you got hired by the psyops military's so.....them...
I would say....about 6 months back..
"Believe and behave as I wish or fuck off"
You sound like a corporation.'s called free will.....I actually know how to use it lmao
Yeah, your free to act like a corporation, and you did just that.