posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +8 / -0

There are patterns in everything, but we tend to think we are better at spotting the hard to see ones and hence we are more critical.

Normally, we get an itch that cannot be scratched and it causes us to dig in and find the cause of the itch. This leads us to recognize the minute patterns Associated with the itch.

From there we may expand, throw out a bone, or do a deep dive. All conspiracy theories have started this way. This is necessary to first come up with the reasons for the theory in the first place.

If there is no pattern, no itch, nothing to raise a signal, then it goes by unnoticed.

Problem is that once you know that a signal can be trigger, you start wanting to get everyone itchy....

Hence you start a forum to bring people together and work at solving the conundrum.

So ... Question for those who are aware. Have you realised that there is a meta pattern. One which scratches the itch all the while causing another one to form in the process.

This is meta pattern, or the holistic Conspiracy theory - the one which ties these places together.

We have a tendency to fall into patterns when we are tricked into believing we can pre-empt then ourselves and predict....we can then form a pattern of failure to predict....or a pattern to succesfully predict....

This pattern is externally visible, but sometimes not to ourselves.

This forum, and frankly every single forum which caters to political ideas is forming the same systematic scratch and itch system. We have a circlejerk of our own faux patterns which we can scratch our itches with....but which are just self fulfilling and aren't the reach itch....

We are being fed patterns that will cause us to trigger desired outcomes....that is the purpose of the mainstreaming of the Conspiracy community.

For 5 years straight we (as in the critical thinkers and sceptics) as the main target.

I can tell you, that after one or two weeks of a hiatus that this place is 80% controlled (either directly or more likely....through these false itches and scratches).