I don't know if this is illegal, to make a separate post to sway people, but comments get lost in the back and forth on the Motion thread.
Recently, u/clemaneuverers made a post about kicking FE (Flat Earth) from conspiracies. As expected this went over like a ton of bricks. So let me tell you why I voted YAY:
1 Math doesn't check out. Gravity would not make sense of a flat earth. Furthermore, if one twisted the math enough to fill in the loopholes, the gaps, the, "Huh, it divides by zero," you would throw off the balance of the delicately simple equations. Physics would break down, and in the effort to prove "science," one would find themselves in the uncomfortable position of trying to bring down the basic building blocks of reality.
2 The light doesn't make sense. Sunrises in the lower hemisphere are off by up to 60 degrees in the flat earth model based on what we truly know from locals, the weather stations there, any source there for that matter.
3 The other celestial objects are spheres. (sun, moon, planets, asteroids, etc)
4 NASA is lying, but they can only contort the truth, they cannot kill it.
It's merely a theory, not a conspiracy theory. No conspiracy is ever presented, only asserted. Some questions that never get answered, except with rambling, incoherent madness:
What's the conspiracy?
Who is pushing this conspiracy?
For how long?
How did they fix all the irrefutable evidence over hundreds of years to show the earth is spheroid when it is flat?
How did they convince the Phoenicians that the earth was spheroid?
How did they convince the people who built the pyramids, whoever they were, and the people who built stone henge whoever they were, of the circular circumference of the earth? Both peoples had calculated it and encoded it in their structures. So these grand conspirators certainly had a far reach.
Why is it only liars, the delusional and the willfully ignorant that figure out this grand, millennia long conspiracy?
You defend FE. You have no standards. You are about as silly as a person can be.
You are not acting like someone who is looking for the truth. You are acting like a communist.