About 2 to 3 months after my father took it he told me that he didn't recognize me. Maybe it's just the stress of leading quite a hard life plus all this stupid bullshit lately, but his face was really strange-looking when he said it. Like in lord of the rings when Bilbo snapped at Frodo, his eyes got all sullen and he was really upset that I wasn't doing what he wanted in that instant and therefore wasn't his son.
I've seen it in a few other people, too, where it seems like if you don't do exactly what they're imagining you should be doing, without any particular prompt from them either, that you are their enemy in that moment.
About 2 to 3 months after my father took it he told me that he didn't recognize me. Maybe it's just the stress of leading quite a hard life plus all this stupid bullshit lately, but his face was really strange-looking when he said it. Like in lord of the rings when Bilbo snapped at Frodo, his eyes got all sullen and he was really upset that I wasn't doing what he wanted in that instant and therefore wasn't his son.
I've seen it in a few other people, too, where it seems like if you don't do exactly what they're imagining you should be doing, without any particular prompt from them either, that you are their enemy in that moment.