Borrow money and use that money to make more money, then use that money to borrow more to do the same thing, etc. It ain't pretty, but it's how fiat is designed to work. Keeps you ahead of inflation. The trick is to not just blow it all on cocaine and hookers. Once you have enough money, you can start doing real crazy shit like pumping and dumping crypto/penny stocks, private lending, real estate, etc.
Borrow money and use that money to make more money, then use that money to borrow more to do the same thing, etc. It ain't pretty, but it's how fiat is designed to work. Keeps you ahead of inflation. The trick is to not just blow it all on cocaine and hookers. Once you have enough money, you can start doing real crazy shit like pumping and dumping crypto/penny stocks, private lending, real estate, etc.
Not if you bribe the right people.