Pay attention truthers and stop focusing on fighting the climate change narrative. This is a false front. They're after the ability to regulate who gets to do what through controlling the electrons coursing through modernity.
Why do you think they keep having false flags that target the grid for which they can blame their favorite "dehumanized" resistance? They're planning on militarizing the grid. It's so obvious.
California started disabling the power grid prior to incoming wind storms. Just when you need to hunker down and wait out bad weather, they turn the power off for the duration of the storm… plus another day while they inspect the lines.
If anything has taught me to avoid total dependence on a single source of energy, it has been the last few years… and no way are we going to be totally dependent on electricity when it gets turned off at the Statist’s whim.
So I’ll have gas appliances AND electric appliances. And a wood burning stove while I’m at it.
Interesting. More evidence is their future playbook