But without American taxpayers funding their apartheid government and American lives being spent protecting their constantly expanding borders israel wouldn't exist.
The most dangerous Religion is that of Scientism, you know where things they say are sciency sounding stuff but they havent a clue what the real purpose of Science is, they say stuff like "consensus science" and "trust the science", but science is not about trust, trust = believe, believe = Religion. That type of Science is not Science at all, its veiled Astro Theology, and the worlds current Religion.
Good list, cheers!! Let us know what you discover.
But without American taxpayers funding their apartheid government and American lives being spent protecting their constantly expanding borders israel wouldn't exist.
The most dangerous Religion is that of Scientism, you know where things they say are sciency sounding stuff but they havent a clue what the real purpose of Science is, they say stuff like "consensus science" and "trust the science", but science is not about trust, trust = believe, believe = Religion. That type of Science is not Science at all, its veiled Astro Theology, and the worlds current Religion.