posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +14 / -7
  1. Jesus was real and guided by the Christ.

  2. Deep State hate Jesus with a passion because Jesus was the most unifying force in history and his teachings led to to the destruction of many cults.

  3. The Sanhedrin Rabbis (fake Jews who secretly worshiped Satan) killed Jesus due to jealousy and because Jesus kept saying no rabbis or priests are needed to practice Spirituality. This would put an end to the Sanhedrin which was raking in a fortune with their money changing schemes. Rome didn’t want to kill Jesus but Sanhedrin twisted their arm into it.

  4. Jesus’ real name was Joshua (Yeshua) de Joseph. Rome developed the Catholic Church (paganism rebranded) as controlled opposition to Christianity. They changed Jesus’ name to Yapitur (Lord Jupiter) but then changed it again to YaZeus (Lord Zeus) which blended later into Jesus,

  5. Jesus’ birthday is actually August 21, 7 BC. Mary wasn’t a virgin. Deep State altered that part of the story to match up with their own cult beliefs. He died at 36 around April 29 AD.

  6. Many Parts of the Bible were altered by the deep state including Jesus’ story but generally speaking, it’s similar to what we see in the Bible. The Book Of Revelations is the most heavily edited as it was too revealing. About 70% altered. The Deep State altered one part to say Jesus arrives after the NWO to trick people into wanting the NWO so Jesus returns. The original plan was to return when enough People practice Jesus’ message of Love, forgiveness, unity and faith as those are the keys to World Peace. The deep state distracted Christians into thinking Jesus’ death was salvation instead of Jesus’ message. The story of God wanting a sacrifice for sins was made up by the deep state. It’s actually the practicing of Jesus’ message that saves People from a life of hell and when enough people practice it, a hellish world converts to a heavenly world.