The crafty deep state always brags about how they separated us from God and I couldn’t figure it out but I finally did.
Imagine if every single person is directly connected to God from the nonphyiscal heart region but the 3D physical body connects to the heart through the Pineal Gland. If it’s calcified, it has a hard time catching the hearts signals which make the person better, happier, smarter and gives People direction in life like a real time navigation system.
Iodine, meditation and especially micro-dosing shrooms can open the gland more.
Kids are more connected but the vaccines they get as a kid harm the connection too. The school system trains them to stay in their brain for 12 years to forget about the heart region. The kid graduates high school a very different person. He is angrier, grumpier, ect.. because he has lost connection to his heart.
This heart connection also account too good morals. The more people are connected, the better their morals are.
That’s why the Vatican and ancient images all portray the pineal gland. They love disconnecting People because it seriously weakens them.
I doubt the shrooms. I'm old school. Why shrooms?
Shrooms also allow the body/ mind to connect further. Allowing ones consciousness to experience greater energies. DMT I believe is the "dark" version of this. Bringing people into lower states of vibration. From what I have seen with DMT its not an "upper" in terms of ascension. Shrooms, Ayauashka, Toad venom, Peyote, and a few others help bring people into the higher dimensional planes. And I have done most of that list and have experienced it first hand.
Nope DMT is a synthetic compound. The others on the list all grow from the ground and are consumed/smoked in natural state. Our brains do indeed produce DMT naturally though. I left other halloucinogens out because in spiritual practices they arent that great. LSA/LSD isnt that great for connecting. It alters the mind a bit too much. you need compunds that also effect the body greatly. Put you in a state pf rest. Mushrooms are psilocybin Thats the active compound in them.
> DMT is a synthetic compound.