posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +19 / -2

This is one of the secrets the Commies tried to hide from humanity to make it extremely difficult for anything to be "proven".

1st, very few things can be proven. Gravity, for example, was a theory until 2014 when someone found the gravitational waves in the electromagenetic field that keeps us on Earth. Of course, everyone knew it existed even though there was no proof before 2014.

In the same way, we all know a LOT of stuff without full blown proof. We know there is a pedo cult in DC. We have lots of evidence for it but can this be considered proof? Not sure. We would have to present it all and see what a jury decides but lots of things are known without proof.

How? Well, the World is observed through 6 senses. The 5 senses account for 10% of observations and the 6th sense (knowing) accounts for 90%. How does knowing work? This is a very complicated answer. It has to do with the deepest inner-working of the mind being a genius super computer type of system that sends knowledge up to the surface of the mind where the conscious mind is located. Here are some examples:

I know Lucy likes me. I can tell. (no proof but it turns out to be true)

I know I'm going to get the job. I can feel it. (no proof but it turns out to be true)

I knew I would get into trouble if I did that. I should have known better and listened to myself. (no proof but it turns out to be true)

I knew this guy was bad news. I should have stayed away from him. (no proof but it turns out to be true)

I know the Politicians are ripping us off. I just need to figure out how exactly. (no proof but it turns out to be true)

I know Hillary is sending assassins after her 56 friends she claimed committed suicide. (no proof but I'll bet this one will turn out to be true too.)

So 90% of senses come from the sense of knowing.

Knowing can be enhanced in a few ways.

  1. Decalcify the pineal gland with meditation and some other substances (check online)

  2. You can hyperspeed the pineal gland decalcification by microdosing organic shrooms. This helps stabalize and repair the mind as well. Some say the Commies started the war on drugs to prevent People from taking marijuana and shrooms because they are healthy. Just don't overdo is and move with caution. I think the recommended microdosing amount is 2.5 g.

  3. Mediate daily. This greatly improves the mind in many ways.

  4. Filter out all fluoride from your home's water supply and get fluoride free toothpaste.

Pineal gland is an antenna type system that connects to the deep recesses of your mind.

Next, listen to your heart. The heart is a 2nd, more powerful mind than the brain. It takes practice learning how to listen to it and differentiate from it and your brain but it speaks in impulses. To listen to the heart, stop thinking. Only 1 mind can be active at a time. The Stomach is also a 3rd mind but I am still researching on how to use it. Think of the heart like a navigation system through life.

I'll give an example of how they use this against humanity.

  1. They teach that the only way to prove stuff is through the 5 senses in school.

  2. Then they might put a Satanic tranny as a Politician.

  3. When People call the Satanic tranny evil, they say "prove it". You can't prove it but you can tell that this Satanic tranny with a devil tattoo is most likely an evil Politician but since the Politicians say there is no "proof" of any wrongdoing, they can't kick out the tranny. However, the intelligence agencies know full well the tranny is a human trafficking pedo but they are there to protect him unfortunately.

I wanted to post this because the more the average person knows, the more protected we are against Commie trickery.