this is what happens when your team starts believing its own propaganda. if jews were being killed in the streets the (((news))) would be reporting it 24/7.
(No disagreeing, but) so then she is lying. Really (really really) Jews are NOT being "killed in the streets" but/and she is trying to get Jews to leave the USA . . .
. . . like the (spits on the ground) Rabbi in Germany telling Jews to leave there . .
. . . like the Jews leaving (The) Ukraine before the screaming goatfuck (force-enlist and so kill the male population) there.
Anyway, the call for Jews to leave the west is on.
Maybe it's oppourtunism: "They" always want Jews to return to Israel.
> Jews being killed in the streets
this is what happens when your team starts believing its own propaganda. if jews were being killed in the streets the (((news))) would be reporting it 24/7.
If Jews were merely being called Jews in the street they'd activate the Emergency Broadcast System to tell us "IT'S ANUDDA SHOAH!!!"
^This. Any humanWithABrain know that to be true.
(No disagreeing, but) so then she is lying. Really (really really) Jews are NOT being "killed in the streets" but/and she is trying to get Jews to leave the USA . . .
. . . like the (spits on the ground) Rabbi in Germany telling Jews to leave there . .
. . . like the Jews leaving (The) Ukraine before the screaming goatfuck (force-enlist and so kill the male population) there.
Anyway, the call for Jews to leave the west is on. Maybe it's oppourtunism: "They" always want Jews to return to Israel.