A buddy(ish) of mine was talking about how "ingenious" the MI state dems were in funding all of the opposing primary campaigns so in the general the dems would win because their competition was such garbage.
I said "Dude... have you never heard of 'strawmanning' candidates? Because that's as close as it comes IRL next to literally building a strawman and putting an 'R' sticker on them. This is what uniparty authoritarian regimes do to make their regimes seem democratic and legitimate."
And he thought it was "ingenious!*" It's astounding how bafflingly stupid seemingly-intelligent people can be when it comes to politics and governance. Myopic, I suppose.
It only works against republicans because they own the media.
But that said - people are trying to find "logical" explanations for what is occurring outside of cheating because they are scared shitless as to what the reality means for them, specifically.
Some day those logical explanations will be correct - but only because the ruling class has imported everyone they needed to in a way that ensures their power for the rest of this nation's existence.
The US as we know it is done. The killshot, though, was fired in 1963. It just took a lot longer for the body to decompose.
A buddy(ish) of mine was talking about how "ingenious" the MI state dems were in funding all of the opposing primary campaigns so in the general the dems would win because their competition was such garbage.
I said "Dude... have you never heard of 'strawmanning' candidates? Because that's as close as it comes IRL next to literally building a strawman and putting an 'R' sticker on them. This is what uniparty authoritarian regimes do to make their regimes seem democratic and legitimate."
And he thought it was "ingenious!*" It's astounding how bafflingly stupid seemingly-intelligent people can be when it comes to politics and governance. Myopic, I suppose.
It only works against republicans because they own the media.
But that said - people are trying to find "logical" explanations for what is occurring outside of cheating because they are scared shitless as to what the reality means for them, specifically.
Some day those logical explanations will be correct - but only because the ruling class has imported everyone they needed to in a way that ensures their power for the rest of this nation's existence.
The US as we know it is done. The killshot, though, was fired in 1963. It just took a lot longer for the body to decompose.
Plus the Republicans leadership sandbags good candidates so they can stay the minority party.republicain victory is bad for the business model