Just read on Zerohedge that CONgress is set to approve 1.1 Billion military aid package to Taiwan.
Congress, in of itself has turned into a national security threat.
Just read on Zerohedge that CONgress is set to approve 1.1 Billion military aid package to Taiwan.
Congress, in of itself has turned into a national security threat.
Believe it or not the reason they're so desperate to spend is because our rising interest rate is crushing the Euro. If Congress can force the FED to create more dollars they can halt the rising interest rate, or even lower it. However, this time, the FED will not capitulate like they always have in the past. It's a power struggle and the US bankers are going to win.
I do not expect any more big spending bills to pass and I expect interest rates to continue rising.
Biden just announced his "Safe America Plan". Another 10B he will ask CONgress to approve. More deficit spending. Who won't approve more police?