Have compiled a list of books from my library for new, young, old, older conspiracy theorists.
Am sure many titles have been read, so parden me.
Propagand by Edward Bernay
Civil Disobedience by H.D. Thoreau
The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skouson
Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs
The Book Your Church Doesn't Want You To Read edited by Tim Leedon
Modern Money Mechanics by Federal Reserve Bank Chicago
Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto
Capitalist Conspiracy by G. Edward Griffin
The Creature From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
Phillip Dru Administrator by Col. Edward Mandell House
Grand Chess Board by Zbigniew Zbrinski
New World Order by H.G. Wells
Conspiracy Heirarchies: Committee of 300 by John Coleman
Bloodline of The Illuminati by Franz Springmeir
Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper
Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars included in Behold A Pale Horse
Rules For Radicals by Sual Alinsky
Secrets Of The Federal Reserve and the London Connection by Eustace Mullins
The Open Conspiracy-A Blueprint For World Revolution and A New World Order by H.G. Wells
The Book That Will Forever Change Our Ideas About The Bible by Mauro Biglino
History Is Wrong by Erich Von Daniken
Chariot of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken.
Look them up and enjoy.
Pawns in the game
Also loompanics books are incredibly interesting and rare
Also checkout loompanics books they are banned and incredibly rare