posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +7 / -1

What I am about to type here has been a deeply kept secret among the Deep State.

There are 2 main types of Js:

  1. Dark skinned Js that link back to the Hebrews of which Jesus was born into. These Js are dark skilled and have exactly the same bloodline as the Palestinians.

  2. Light skinned Js that originate in the area of Ukraine down to Turkey more or less. These are not the original Js. They are an entirely different race that identify as the religion of Js.

5% of the current Js are Hebrew, dark skinned. 95% are light skinned.

The reason for this is because when Hitler and Stalin slaughtered the dark skinned Js, they aimed to get rid of them and push the light skinned Js in their place without the world noticing.

Why? Because the dark skinned Js hit a homerun by ditching the Golden Calf pagan worship idol and turning into the 1st monotheistic race on Earth partly thanks to Moses and Melchizedek. This helped the world tremendously as it was lost in confusion with many gods of olden times. This also weakened the Deep State tremendously as confusion is one of their main ways of elevating their power. Therefore, the Deep State hate the Hebrew Js.

Palestinians are also the same bloodline of the Hebrew Js. Their religion is merely different. They are Muslim. Hebrews and Palestinians are the same race though.

The White Js used to be 30% Muslim, 30% Christian and 30% J. The Royals of this Khazar kingdom were Satanists who raised all kinds of problems worldwide giving the Js a bad name. The Roos People destroyed them for causing too many problems. At first, they Royals of Khazaria claimed they were changing their religion from Satanism to J which the Roos was fine with but they lied so the Roos killed them. The People of Khazaria were honest about the conversion but their Royals weren't. The Royals are basically a Mafia just like all other Royals have mostly been.

This Deep State has always hated the Js for converting to Monotheism which led to Monotheism worldwide. Then Jesus explained the 1 God is a God of love which further ruined them so they hate Jesus and Christians too.

Just know that the dark skinned Hebrew Js are the most oppressed of all People alongside Black People probably. They are hidden below the level of serious illusions for most People to see. The Deep State is the one constantly spreading antiJ propaganda (antiBlack and antiWhite now too). They both condem the Js and praise and protect them because doing both benefit them directly.

This level of info is for very well versed Conspiracy Theorists only. Try to mention this to a normie and they would get all confused.