Roe V. Wade set several precedents. One of these legal precedents was to uphold the right to individual bodily autonomy in medical decisions based on an interpretation that the constitutional right to privacy extended to medical decisions. (obviously "bodily autonomy" doesn't apply if you consider the fetus to be a separate life. But that was not the court's take)
Back to the main point: They cannot mandate the vaccine if you have a right to privacy and bodily autonomy in medical decisions.
And even without a federal law like Roe, blue states would still keep abortion legal.
So I suspect the federal government is willing to sacrifice Roe V. Wade if it means they can mandate the vaccine.
They have to. The vaccine is all that lies between the epic global blowback when science proves airborne HIV virus came from a US bioweapons lab and science will prove that. If not this year then next year. If not next year then 5 years from now. This is the whole reason why the vaccines are liabilty exempt. If they can shoot everyone up with the vaccine they can blame all the virus disease on the vaxx and no one will be held to account. You can see they already started doing that with myocarditis. This is why they will never stop trying to force mandates. This is why they kept on with it even when it was clear the vaxx doesnt work.
Its not about control it's about blame shifting.