There aren't actually any real people left. Everyone "if they are real' all seem compartmentized in their own little bubble. Think of a bunch of cubicles where like minded people are in and they all think that cubicle is all there is and not realize there are other ones around them!
Conservatives for example hate video games while liberals love video games but hate conservative so if your both (A conservative and love games you enjoy or broaden your mind a bit) your in a tough pickle as neither will understand you so therefore are you really a conservative?
That's just one of many stupid examples the web has divided us in. It gets much worse then that as nobody believes in cross referencing anything. YouTube ironically is the CLOESET platform where people do deeper analyst of society and trends,etc but even then take it with a HUGE grain of salt.
I can definitely see where you're coming from. Online, most people can easily get absorbed into an opinion bubble - which then goes into a feedback loop, leading to extremists and outright wackos being regarded as the representative sample. At that point being a moderate anything is all but an insult.
That said, the case may be that the kind of people who are most vocal and active in the thus-formed echo chambers, are also the kind you'd otherwise ignore in the physical world - that is, in real life. The scruffy street preacher shouting "the end is nigh" while smelling of three different kinds of toxic mould - that's someone you'd simply tune out and walk past without even thinking about it. But behind a keyboard, and with couple of just-as-batshit blogs to cite for reference, that preacher can sound almost convincing.
To contrast, the kind of person who tries to stay informed on both sides of most issues, generally keeps their opinion to themself and can discuss their differences with others in a civil fashion - they simply don't need that sort of echo chamber for validation, so they don't hang around them in the first place.
Instead, if you want to find people like that online, your best bet are the various crafting, DIY and hobby sites, food and drink forums, etc. Places where politics isn't really on the agenda, so the kind of people that wear it on their sleeve simply don't hang around.