posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +13 / -0

Let's do some hypotheticals.


  • COVID was planned and prepared wholly
  • Lockdowns, response was coordinated by the G20 countries.
  • The end goal was global destabilizing, tracking and surveillance, in order to bring around economic change
  • they want to destroy the banking system
  • they control the banking system
  • they want a new system.....

What is the end result?

  • depopulation?
  • slave class?
  • segregation?
  • money system (again)
  • one world gov??? I doubt that...they seem to be enjoying their kingdoms respectively...
  • what??
  • if they remove the capitalist system and replace it with a global controlled one...why?
  • none of the above really make a ton of sense if you also assume they want to improve their own lives as well.....

I guess the religious zeal may be some driver.... But let's be real...nothing they do is wholly religious....so neither is this....

I think there are multiple factions who are fighting....and we are the unwitting members

Nothing seems to point to a single outcome or vision...even the great reset doesn't make total sense. It's built up from a bunch implicit assumptions that must continue ...so what is the purpose?

It seems like they have proven time and again that they can do what they want.....so why are they doing this like it's beyond them.