posted ago by WorldSavior ago by WorldSavior +3 / -9

New World Economic Financial System Will Have National Currency & Club Currency

The current financial system backed by some secret group with secret assets backed rules. That’s the major root of problem around the world.

In my vision, the new global financial system should have 2 different tiers: – National currencies – Club currencies

They should be like sport team. So people cannot choose their national currency but they are allowed to join any club currencies.

The national currencies will backed via trust 100% so the exchange rate between each nations will be 1:1 (base rate minimum must be declared at the start the new system).

The club currencies will be backed via physical assets, both the total money printed and the real amount of assets must be public.

The exchange rate between club currencies with national currencies and will via free market between people.

Anybody or any group can form the club if the national government allow. The club could be about language, religions, races or any category but it must be unique.

The leaders or the controllers of each club allow to give reward/bounty to recruit/attract anyone with similar mindset. So you could see the Hebrew club will give 100,000 for anyone who able to speak Hebrew at general daily life level. Or any other long lost dynasty can rebuilt the nations at least in the economic section.

By allowing people/organization setup it own club currencies via real physical assets, all the current assets in the current financial system can be removed.

The benefit of club currencies are enormous such as give people from all around the world new way of make money which is study new language or new religion or, etc. It will transfer the current physical weapon war to the new real mind war of culture, languages.

The immigrated nations such as the USA, Canada, Australia are the one have advantage because they have big land and can allow any group to form the club without care about anything. But some big nations such as China, India can also benefit too since they also have many different languages, it is just not official one.

That is my vision with brief information, I do not get paid or have any motivation to think more so I am going into deep in this subject.

Best Regard, The Savior

Source: the savior personal website/blog