posted ago by WorldSavior ago by WorldSavior +2 / -8

Each Language Deserve Have It Own Government, Own Currency

Language is the most important thing that help connect the people. This civilization have more than 2000 languages but only about 200 national governments and currencies.

Imagine life without culture, language, then that’s life become worthless because people only chasing for illusion credit worthless paper called as money/currency !

The revival of ancient culture and language must occur now. Each language deserve to have it own government and own currency.

It is a must step to help humanity grow and improve. The magic of language is beyond words and most all of people cannot understand and comprehend it.

The government I am talking about is not involve in weapon/force but it is only the economic government/authority.

If you wonder how to get is done. Then my answer is just treat business currency money like any team sport. In team sport, there are two type of team: national team and club team. The national team cannot be bought, but the club team can exchange/transfer player/people.

The new world financial system should be like that. Tier 1: national currencies backed by national government via trust. Tier 2: club currencies backed by real physical asset such as gold, silver, bronze, oil, gas.

The club currencies should be focus on languages at the beginning, and maybe some specific industries later.

How the club operating is totally up to each real physical asset owners.

That’s my vision about the future.

Best Regard, The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

Source: the savior personal website/blog