If you point to me the exact point of the arrest in this video i will perform *harakiri *live on Facebook. You will all be invited with a private link.
This is why we are losing.
This is why they are ROFL.
Our stupidity (or our controlled opposition) is now beyond comprehension.
He claims he "de-arrested" them before leaving. Yeah, and saying "hello" to a woman counts as a date. All he did was ask them to arrest themselves and they refused. This is dumber than the UK lady cop arresting the muslim and him saying "no", breaking away, and just walking away from her.
And this is the level of stupidity that circulates in UK based Telegram groups, them claiming how they are winning and trumpeting fanfares.
I wonder whether this happens anywhere else in the planet.
PS: it semms like i will not be commiting sepuku after all
It happens everywhere. Look at TheDonald and how tbey keep posting that they are winning. In Canada, they boo away some police and the police come back and arrest the people anyway.
I guess you are right.
Stupidity appears to be a Universal law