This is a list of gifs that work in the comments of this website, gathered in one post. If you find others not listed here let me know in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
Happy giffing!
How to use gifs
Type the following (without any spaces) in the comments to ping a particular gif:
Below are the gif_titles (the title can have a capital 1st letter or not, I think either or will work)
Charlie/charlie u/#charlie
Kitties/kitties u/#kitties
Cartman/cartman u/#cartman
Watchin/watchin u/#watchin
WTF/wtf u/#wtf
Dots/dots u/#dots
Crazy/crazy u/#crazy
Snervous/snervous u/#snervous
Mackey/mackey u/#mackey
Hoax/hoax u/#hoax
TopMen/topmen u/#topmen
NWO/nwo u/#nwo
Alex/alex u/#alex
Ithinknot/ithinknot u/#ithinknot
Decrypt/decrypt u/#decrypt
Desire/desire u/#desire
Cheers/cheers u/#cheers
Confirmed/confirmed u/#confirmed
Sheldon/sheldon u/#sheldon
Warning/warning u/#warning
ConspiracyTime/conspiracytime u/#conspiracytime
GatesDab/gatesdab u/#gatesdab
StartsWithYou/startswithyou u/#startswithyou
WBlink/wblink u/#wblink
Catdance u/#Catdance
Pepedance u/#Pepedance
Pepeguitar u/#Pepeguitar
Honkler u/#Honkler
Peperee u/#Peperee
Covfefe u/#Covfefe
Pepecozy u/#Pepecozy
Banhammer u/#Banhammer
insomnia u/#insomnia
Clownworld u/#Clownworld
Lightning u/#Lightning
Peperain u/#Peperain
Pepenuke u/#Pepenuke
Trumptank u/#Trumptank
Trumpdance u/#Trumpdance
Golfing u/#Golfing
Trumpflag u/#Trumpflag
Trump4eva u/#Trump4eva
Trumphappening u/#Trumphappening
Trumpbeatdown u/#Trumpbeatdown
buildthewall u/#buildthewall
Correct u/#Correct
Nobodycares u/#Nobodycares
Byebye u/#Byebye
Wrong u/#Wrong
Trumpnope u/#Trumpnope
trumpwrong u/#trumpwrong
Fakenews u/#Fakenews
Quiet u/#Quiet
Flynnflag u/#Flynnflag
Flynnarmy u/#Flynnarmy
Happening u/#Happening
mikeyep u/#mikeyep
mikerekt u/#mikerekt
Cmon u/#Cmon
pleaseclap u/#pleaseclap
Mjpopcorn u/#Mjpopcorn
Popcorn u/#Popcorn
vincewhat u/#vincewhat
Vincewalk u/#Vincewalk
Vincenut u/#Vincenut
vincewalk u/#vincewalk
Noroddy u/#Noroddy
topkek u/#topkek
Pratt u/#Pratt
Spitcoffee u/#Spitcoffee
coffeespit u/#coffeespit
Careerended u/#Careerended
noolib u/#noolib
Triggered u/#Triggered
Howdareyou u/#Howdareyou
disgonbgud u/#disgonbgud
Shaqwalks u/#Shaqwalks
What u/#What
Michaelpanic u/#Michaelpanic
Michaelconfused u/#Michaelconfused
Fire u/#Fire
timebomb u/#timebomb
Polish u/#Polish
Demolitionman u/#Demolitionman
Aliens u/#Aliens
Conspiracy u/#Conspiracy
Deepstate u/#Deepstate
cashmoney u/#cashmoney
benderneat u/#benderneat
Processing u/#Processing
noolib u/#noolib
trumpwrong u/#trumpwrong
howdareyou u/#howdareyou
cmon u/#cmon
Do these GIF's work only here....or do they work on any site as a solo-comment? Am very unsavy ABOUT COMPUTER STUFF... 'btw...your gif's are AWESOME to choose from :-)
They work on great-awakening and TheDonald - don't know about others, I never tried.
thanks fren :-)