posted ago by AlwysHideUrPowerLevl ago by AlwysHideUrPowerLevl +5 / -0

I assumed in the poll that Kamala would be the Democrat candidate because Biden is senile and she is the next in line for the Presidency. If you think any other Democrat will try to swoop in and take the nomination, I would like to hear who and why.

In the poll are listed the people who I think are most likely to seek the GOP nomination, as well as choices that include not voting at all. Voting in the poll on multiple options is allowed.

So who will run in 2024, and why? All of the candidates listed have their issues, but at present there is no viable third party candidate (to my knowledge).

In addition: will they rig the election again, or will they let a pushover/controlled op GOP politician win?

And many who have researched enough have come to the conclusion that there is no point in participating in elections and that we need the system to collapse to bring about real change. I sort of agree with this view but wanted to hear discussion from other perspectives.