What if the reason everything seems the same since 2006ish is what if we have been plugged into a Super AI that runs every computer in the world (that's not private) and control the flow of money and entertainment hence everything being recycled garbage and investors not caring when usually if something bombs they'll pull out and not repeat that.
In the 80s and 90s if something bombed they'd want to know why and/or not do that but now they just keep making the same shit and usually drop what's actually successful! It's like they now pick the worst of the worst and make it the new normal.
If most of the stuff released today happened in the 80s I can guarantee it would've not sold well and if sold in the 50s/60s during the Technicolor era fans would've destroyed the theaters in protests or at least come close to. They would NOT be silent like today where they complain a little bit online then buy the next stupid shit which I am going to do another post about on that.
How come Nintendo fans will often wonder 'Why?' but then only poke and prod in the dark instead of looking for outside advice? They just circle with each other and pat each other in the back then wind up accepting the shit as 'Oh well it could be worse'. IT IS WORSE!!!!
We are in Revelations LITERALLY now. Your friend is an example of the worshipping false idols I used to think it meant religion but now I think it means anything IP money generates:
The bible said people will turn to false idols and the hearts of many will grow cold. At some point there will be a 'famine' for the word of God: Meaning people will want it but can't get it after things turn south enough and it's illegal to mention.
Some parts of Canada you can get fined for 'open carrying' a bible in public. Yes it's THAT bad.