posted ago by KiloRomeo ago by KiloRomeo +30 / -1

Serious question.

  • Data manipulation: So far this year we have caught then making up election numbers, covid numbers, debt numbers, etc.
  • Root cause: What if the vax is more dangerous than expected? We see 4-5% issues in clinical studies but only 1.2% on VAERS. What if they’re hiding deaths.
  • Plausibility: How many would need to occur before we started noticed? Everything is locked down which would disguise less people being out and about, esp. in large urban areas.
  • Missing workers: Unemployment rate continues to drop (about 5% of workforce) and yet job openings are at an all time high (about 7% of workforce) https://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.nr0.htm