Death is better than this shit slave, soon to be communist, anti-white reality.
This Black Pill taste bitter, but I have zero hope for this world to fight the zog people, to get back real freedom with our own real money, to expel all the invaders, to have a safe future for white families, white children and white culture.
The only future for white people is oppression and genocide.
Nuke them. Nuke it all.
Death is better than this shit slave, soon to be communist, anti-white reality.
This Black Pill taste bitter, but I have zero hope for this world to fight the zog people, to get back real freedom with our own real money, to expel all the invaders, to have a safe future for white families, white children and white culture.
The only future for white people is oppression and genocide.
We made it out of Egypt brother. We'll make it out of this.